Tuesday, October 16, 2007


I am so glad we have a very convienent rec center to go to for free. Even though we get enough exercise walking to and from classes, we could always use the extra exercise on some spare time. They even have the basketball, tennis, volleyball, ping pong, and racketball courts. I personally like the tennis courts. All of the courts are kept clean. If you do not own any balls or any kinds of rackets, you are able to rent anything as long as you have a one card. They also have a locker room for your convience. The only negative part about the rec center is the shortage on machinery.
They have the outing center and recreation activities that everyone is welcome to. Camping or going canoing are some activities that are always interesting for a weekend adventure.
So, on your spare time you should go cruise around the center and try some of the services out!


Italiangrl said...

I love the Rec Center. And I love living in lincoln because all I have to do is walk across the street. It is very nice and convinent! But I agree with you on the shortage of machines. During the day it is hard to get on an elipitcal because they are always full and even sometimes the treadmill. But it is nice to then go by the tenis courts and there is a track you can run around. I didn't know they had things such as canoing or camping. That would sound like alot of fun. Especially if you could get a group of friends together to do it. It would also be a great way to meet new people. I really like the rec center and I love that it is free!

trevorolson said...

I love the fact that it is free but the one thing that I do not like is the fact that you have to have your one card just get in even if all that you want to do is play basketball with you friends. i have gone there a few times were one of my friend did not have their card on them and they would not allow them to go in even though they were with the rest of the goup that was there with there cards.

armando said...

I love it that we can find a place to excercise anytime we want. It also good to have a quality gym and not just any dungy weight room. The Rec Center has many different activities for students to do and is also a good place to meet and interact with new people. If we did not have the rec center I don't know what I would do when I want to shoot hoops, play tennis or go running indoors. It is conviently located and encourage everybody to attend

Rutherford said...

The rec center is a great place to go. I went there the first week, didn't make it past the first week, but it was still a good experience. I ran around the track that outlines all the basketball courts and tennis courts. The lift out center is really nice. They need more bikes because there is never enough for me. I wish I had more time to use the rec center because it is free and really convinent.

goooCUBS said...

I’m glad someone wrote about the Rec Center. I have never been there! Ever since school started I have been terribly sick! I can't seem to ever get better! Sometimes I think I am just using it as an excuse, but when I really think about running, I feel sick! I want to check it out one day though. We should all take advantage of the Rec Center because it is there for us and is totally free! My room mate goes there a lot and runs. I hope one day I can get better and try it out!

Beckster said...

I love the Rec Center. My roommate and I try to go at lest twice a week. We usually do elipticals or tredmills, sometimes we do ab work to. They do need more machines though. The outdoor activities they provide sound like they would be extremely fun. It is very convenient location and the fact that they hve a little food place by the door is good to. I've gotten smoothies from there after a hard workout.