Saturday, April 9, 2011

listening skills

I have been disappoint in our listening skills during the group meetings lately. We do have an open speaking policy but we need to respect the presenters. I am tired of people interrupting others, asking questions that have already been answered, and exhibiting poor listening habits. Change is in order so we will not be so dysfunctional. I am giving you five points to help improve your listening skills. The first point is to turnoff cell phones or any other device that will distract you from listening so that you can be alert. Be able to relate and understand the information that is being delivered. Give the speaker your eyes and ears during the presentation so that you can pay attention to the body language. Be able to understand the speaker's position and motivate a similar answer. Lastly I want everyone to respect the presenter and not to judge him or her because of their beliefs. These five points will help each of us be better listeners. We need to be able to critically listen in meetings, this is something we have not been able to do. I am positive that these new points will greatly improve our enviroment and that we can execute each point perfectly. I am looking forward to see our group grow.

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