Monday, April 18, 2011

Web accessiblility.

Making our websites more accesible for all users will be beneficial to our business. There are many people with disabilities or that are just inept at using websites. We could make our websites accessible for the elderly and the disabled by making easier web tools. This would even help those without a disability. It is already required in many countries for websites to be accessible for users with disabilities. Some web barriers are due to poor web design, web browser, or assistive technology. Many corporations don't even know their website is not easily accessible and don't know how to change it. Organizations not yet invested in web accessibility may be enticed by the accolades others get from their efforts. Involving users early in the web process will allow for better development, improved products for the users, and other benefits for the stakeholders. Many sites have text that is hard to read, audio that is not clear, and controls that are difficult to click. We can improve all of these by the customization system in our computers. Improving our website is a crucial step in moving our business forward. Not only will it allow for more users to browse our site it will also provide easier readibility and controls. We should not discriminate based on one's ability to use the internet, instead we should make our website available for all users.

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