Monday, October 22, 2007

30 Days of Darkness

I know all of you have seen the advertisements for 30 Days of Darkness. The new look on the Vampire thriller seems to be very promising.
This link above tells other views on the movie. I plan on seeing it some time later in the week or weekend. In the Northern Star i read an article boasting about the movie, it promises a great thrill and a new spin and story line not ordinarily found in traditional vampire movies. Even the pictures of the villains in the movie tell a different story than the average Dracula. They are much more intimidating and I am sure instill more fear into the audience. This past weekend I traveled down to Joliet, IL with a few of my friends for a Halloween party. I of course am not a far stretch from looking like a full fledged vampire. I already have the trademark widows peak, fangs, and black hair. So, in spirit of my enthusiasm i based my costume off of the new vampires in the movie. It was quite a thrill and people at the party kept questioning me on who did my make up and what not. It was awesome to say the least. Overall I would encourage the rest of you to see this movie, I have a feeling you will not be dissappointed.

1 comment:

Italiangrl said...

I would love to see the movie, it looked very interesting and scary. I love scary movies and I like the new spin they put on it. I love halloween and all the halloween movies. I can't wait to dress up. Your costume sounds really cool. Im sure you looked just like a vampire. I can't wait to see the movie!