Friday, October 26, 2007

Prank Calls!

Everyone is always complaining they have no time to do anything. Well, I am sick of hearing that, especially when I get a prank call from one of my close friends...that complains the most about not having enough time.
The other night I was sitting in the dorm with a bunch of people from the floor and I got a restricted call on the cell phone. I answered it right away not knowing who it was and said hello three times before someone started talking.
This voice ended up sounding unfamilar. They were disguising their real voice like talking like the youtube character, Salad Fingers. "I like rusty spoons," said the prank caller. First of all, I have never heard of this character before I was pranked. I was creeped out right away.
The prank went on for a well five minutes before they finally hung up. I found out the next day it was my friend and they thought it was so funny. But, all I was thinking, you hardly have any time to hang out let alone you prank call me and I was wondering who else you have been pranking on your "free" time that you never have.
We are in college now, do we really need to keep pranking people for a good laugh?


Italiangrl said...

I totally agree with your blog. We are in college, why do people have to prank call? I have got a few prank calls and a few restricted calls. It is so stupid and I normally just hang up right away. I have five siblings and we are on a family plan which means the minutes are shared. I don't have a lot of minutes and I don't have phone minutes to spare for prank calls. I am glad to hear I am not the only one getting these useless calls.

nenala said...

Prank callers are lame! I hate that shit! A couple years ago, my sister's stupid friend decided to continuously prank call her and threaten to kill her. My sister knew it was a prank so she would just hang up. It got to the point where we were recieving calls at like 5:00am. My mom became extremely upset, so she called the cops. They told her to contact the telephone company to get the caller's number so that's what she did. My mother, with steam blowing out of her ears at this point, went to my sister's school to get information from the phone number. They found out who it was; my mother and the caller's mother talked and decided to make the caller pay for our bills. That was SWEET!! Pay back's a BITCH!! HA!HA!

BabaGonoush9 said...

I agree prank calls are annoying. People in college are way too old. Collge students should find other ways of having fun. I admit that when I was younger I used to prank call people and my friends and I thought that it was hilarious, but now prank calls are lame and college students shouldn't do it.

304084 said...

I agree. Prank calling is childish and should be left to the Jr. High kids. Mostly, I agree with your claim about people who complain all the time about being so busy, but have time to do stupid stuff. I find this incredibily irritating. If a person has time to goof around and do stupid stuff, then they have time to fit in some of the important stuff as well.

Rutherford said...

Agree!! College = time to grow up! Plus prank phone calls are so 6 years ago.. when we were like 12 and had nothing better to do! I have gotten my share of prank phone calls. One time, my x-best friend skipped school to have one of her new guy friends prank phone call me in class talking crap about me! LAME! Then, an x boyfriend pranked my house phone at 2 AM once, knowing that I snuck out with my friend, just to get me in trouble. How immuture can people be. Thankfully I haven't recieved one in a while! Next time you get on, don't answer! Saves everyone the trouble!