Monday, October 15, 2007

Chemistry is a Killer

Does anyone else have that one class that you wish you were not in! For me its Chemisty! I feel like any spare time i have I am studying or reading about chemistry. I study weeks in advacne for tests, and I feel like I can understand it but then the test comes and I can't pass it! It is very stressful and my life would be much easier with out it. I don't understand that if everyone is doing bad on the test why the professors can't do something about it! But one thing I have learned from the class is to never give up. I want to continue in the class rather than drop it! I feel that if i drop it than I am not pushing myself to be a better student! I don't know if I am the only one feeling this way but for all those who are having a hard time with a class hang in there, we just have to make it through the semester.


304084 said...

I agree! Chemistry is a killer. I used to be really good at it in high school, but for some reason I can't get a handle on it now. Don't quit. Keep at it. Your taking it for a reason probably.

Beckster said...

Chemistry is my worst class to! I wasn't that good at it in high school and in the beginning I understood it here, but now I can't seem to remember everything. Everything in the class is connected so if you forget one thing, the entire process gets messed up. I have the lab to go along with it this semester to, that's not fun either. But like you, I'm not going to drop it because then I'm just giving up. Don't worry you're not the only one who feels like that!

goooCUBS said...

I absolutely hate chemistry! Registering for the class I had no idea what I was in for. I took chemistry back in high school and thought it was the easiest class! Now being in the college course, it is a total change! First of all I think it is the atmosphere they make us sit in. The lecture hall is so hot and no air gets circulated! Every time I sit in class, I fall asleep. I can’t seem to stay on task in the lecture. The teachers fly through everything and don’t stop to explain what is going on. The first exam I thought was going to be very easy; little did I know I ended up getting my first D. The next two exams went the same way! For my last exam I studied for fourteen hours straight and ended up with a 68%. I don’t understand what I am doing wrong, but looking at the class average on the exams I am not the only one! Our class average on the exams is under 50% with half the students receiving less than 60%. Obviously the teachers are not teaching well enough! I hope I can get through the course though because I would not enjoy taking the class over again, that’s for sure!

aka_me said...
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aka_me said...

I HATE CHEMISTRY! It is my worst class right now. I don't understand, I got an A in chemistry in high school and now...well, lets just say that I don't have an A. I am having such a hard time with this class for some reason. I don't want to sound like I'm placing blame, but I really don't think my professor does a very good job. I take blame because I don't exactly read the text book like I'm supposed to, but it's still such a hard class!