Friday, October 5, 2007

Chicago Cubs

This is the cubs 15th post season and they need to win the next three games in a row to win the series. The last time the Cubs won three games in a row they blew it against the Florida Marlins. They took a 3 to 1 lead and blew it in the NLCS. Obviously, I am not a Cubs fan, I am from Florida so naturally I would root for the Marlins. As of late the Cubs have lost two in a row and I am extremely excited to see how depressed the Cubs fans are going to be when they actually stop believing that the team will win and just believe the truth, that the Cubs are the only true losers in MLB. Derrek Lee one of the Cub's best players actually played on the Marlins 2003 team and beat Chicago. As seen here in this article, it tells you everything you need to know about how the Cubs false hopes have led them into a 0-2 hole.


Italiangrl said...

I did not like your article seeing as I am a Cubs fan. But your blog was put together very nicely. I like that you gave factual information from the past. I love florida but I will always be a Cubbies fan! I hope this year the cubs can pull through and win their games. It has been an exciting season for them!

Shadez721 said...

I don't like this article either. I am a big Cubs fan and do not appreciate the lack of respect as you disrespect my team. The Cubs did not do as well as plans obviously but they still had a great run. There are no excuses although the team was never complete healthy they gave 110% day in and day out. It was a very exciting season and they have come a long way.