Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sick and Frustrated.

I have been feeling really sick for a long time. I've been going to the doctor constantly. The past week I've gone to the doctor three times. My doctor is almost positive that I have Gastritis or Acid Reflux. This is when your stomach produces too much acid. This disease is chronic. My stomach produces too much acid almost every time I eat or when my stomach is empty. Gastritis can cause Peptic Ulcers, which is when the acid burns a whole into your stomach. My mom thinks that I have an ulcer. All of this is very painful. Lately I have been throwing up acid. I have an antacid medicine that I have been taking. It has been helping a little. I've been having stomach pain since July, but it has gradually gotten worse. My stomach pain is the worst when I eat greasy foods and cheese. Which is pretty much all dorm food is. I am not able to eat my favorite foods, pizza, cheeseburgers, nachos, cheese fries, etc. The past two weeks all I have been eating is bananas, apple sauce, bread, bagels, crackers, yogurt, some soups, and peanut butter. Because I am not eating enough food I am constantly tired and have headaches. This makes school very difficult. I have been missing classes and falling behind. I am so frustrated! I just want to feel better. Over break I am going to a stomach specialist. Hopefully he will be able to help me feel better. Over break it will also be nice to have my mom’s help. If you know anyone who has Acid Reflux, please ask them how they deal with it. I would love some advice.
If you want to know more about Acid Reflux, here is a nice website:

1 comment:

goooCUBS said...

I can totally understand where you are coming from. I think since we have started school this year, I have been constantly sick! Sore throats, bad coughing, watering eyes, I never feel 100% well anymore! I went to health services twice, and I refuse to ever go back there! They don't tell you ANYTHING at all! For the past 2 weeks, I too, have not been able to keep food in my stomach. It's very frustrating for me cause every time I eat something, it comes right back up. I went to a real doctor when I got home over break and now I’m on two medications. It has not been working so well though. I need to get blood tests done, but I am terribly afraid of my blood getting drawn and I pass out every time. I think over winter break, if I’m not better I’m going to have to suck it up and have the nurses take my blood so they can find out what’s wrong with me! Lately I have been overly tired, and mixing school work with it does not help at all! Stick in there, and I hope you get better soon!!!