Thursday, October 25, 2007


Upon coming to college I always heard living with someone else would be difficult. To me I never thought it would be a problem. I grew up with 3 sisters and a brother and they would always be in my room taking or borrowing something. But I have learned after just the first week of starting school that living with someone at school was going to be difficult. My roommate and I have had quite a few problems but luckily we have been able to get through them all. I didn't consider the fact that we would be in a very tiny room and had to live so close together. I am use to having my own room to get away to. But here there is no where to get away to there are always people around. Another problem I came across was the fact that all my roommate does is sleep all day and go to bed early. She is taking very easy classes and classes such as dance where she doesn't get any homework. But I am trying to get into the nursing program and I am taking classes which requires me to constantly be doing homework and studying. She can only sleep if there is total darkness so I have to sit there with a tiny light straining my eyes. She is also always complaining about something. At home if my siblings got on my nerves we would just fight or wrestle to get our anger out but with a roommate you don't want to be rude and learn how to get along. But at times that just seems close to impossible. It is impossible to live with someone when you can't get along. It also makes it hard because I knew her a little bit from back home. She went to the high school right next to mine. It makes it even harder when you join the same sorority and have the same group of friends. We are togehter 24/7 and she doesn't understand that we need to do our own things. There are just many things she does that I don't approve of and it makes it very hard to live with a roommate so different than yourself.


trevorolson said...

I am able to be there right there with you when you are talking about doing everything with your roommate because i also do quite a bit of things with my roommate. we also do a lot of thing on our own as well. There is not to much i could tell you but your roommate sould try to make some compremises to fit your needs and the same for you.

goooCUBS said...

I totally understand where you are coming from! I knew my room mate from high school. I though we would get along great and everything would be good. Boy was in for a treat! I grew up with two older brothers so I was not used to my room mate sharing all my stuff. It’s weird because she knows where all my stuff is and likes to use everything of mine without asking. I can’t handle it! My stuff is my stuff, don’t touch it! Also, like your room mate, she sleeps A LOT! I don’t understand she sleeps all day and seems to do no homework at all. She is in total control of our room, when she wants to sleep, the lights have to be off and we have to sleep. There are nights where I have to study and she wants to sleep and there is no where for me to go! I can’t stand sharing a small room with someone else! I am so excited about next year so I can have my own room and do what I want to do, when I want to do it!

304084 said...

I can see where you are coming from. My biggest worry about NIU was the fact that I had to get a random room mate. I had heard nothing but horror stories about random dorm mates in college. Fortunatly, my room mate and I get along very well. We have a lot in common and we both are pretty much on the same page. You might want to consider getting a change in roommates. The homework thing would really bother me. I understand that a person needs their sleep, but if your roommate sleeps as much as you say, then she is over-doing it. Homework is very important. Expessually as a Nursing student!