Monday, October 22, 2007

Sweetest Day

This past saturday October 20th was Sweetest Day. What is Sweetest Day? In a way it is sort of like another Valentines Day. It is a day where my dad always gives my mom a card and a gift and usually gives all us kids a package of our favorite candy and a card to remind us how much he truely loves us. But why do we have this day? It is always the 3rd Saturday in October. And it is a day dedicated to your sweet heart no matter who it is. I don't know if I exactly like this holiday because I feel like it is another Valentines Day. I also don't need a holiday to let people around me know I love them. I am the kind of person where I can let people know how much I care for them any time not just on a holiday. A guy from Cleveland Ohio was the one who started this holiday. He worked as a candy company employee. He had good intentions of wanting people to feel that they are important but people should feel they are important everyday not just on the 3rd Saturday in October. Throughout the years it changed from a holday to give happiness to orphans and others who have been forgotten to a holdiay where people express romantic love and where they show appreciation for friends. It originated as a really good idea but now I just feel like its to similar to Valintines Day. If you want to learn more about Sweetest day check out,


BabaGonoush9 said...
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miami5045 said...

I hate sweetest day! I think it is very interesting to know that the holiday is always on the third week of the month. This holiday does not make people feel loved in fact for the people that are not loved or forgot about the day; it actually makes them feel worse. I hate this holiday it is just another excuse to force people into buying needless gifts and cards which i feel like, are not even appreciated by our loved ones.

BabaGonoush9 said...

don't really think that Sweetest day should be a holiday. I feel like is a hallmark holiday. I like Valentine's day. Valentine's day is a huge tradition. It seems like this "holiday" just came out of no where.

Mally said...

I really think sweetest day is just a made up Hallmark holiday. They want to be able to sell and make more cards. They should have made it around another time since they are selling Halloween cards around the same time.