Thursday, November 1, 2007

Laundry in the Dorms

How many people hate doing their laundry at their dorms? Personally I don’t ever look forward to doing mine! First of all, I have to carry everything all the way down to the basement. After dragging my dirty clothes down all the stairs I come to find out that ALL the washers are full. I sit there for a while just frustrated waiting for one to open! I look in some of the washers that are out of time and they are still full with people’s clothes in them. It makes me so mad, I mean come on people; take your stuff out of the washers when it’s done! I hate it. Then finally when one opens, I can’t fit even half of my clothes in, so I have to wait once again for another one to open.

The dryers are even worse! After sitting there for another hour as your clothes are “drying” I open the dryer up to find out that all my clothes are still wet! So ok, I put them in for another cycle. After the second time they are still damp! I get so frustrated! Now to avoid that problem I split up all my clothes into three different dryers.

I am so glad that I live so close to home. I go home a lot just to do my laundry. If I had to do my laundry at school every week I think I would go insane!


304084 said...

I couldn't agree more. I had a similar experience tonight when I tried to do my laundry. I figured that since it was a Thursday night, the washers would be free. Of course, I was wrong. I had to wait to get a washer, then wait to get a dryer. The dryer I picked didn't even work. Therefore, I had to wait a whole 30 minutes more for a second one to open up. This laundry thing is ridiculous. Expessually in Grant, where about 720 students live per tower. I think the school can afford more then 8 washers and dryers.

Rutherford said...

I know exactally how you feel. It takes a good 3 to 4 hours to do your laundry here. I live in Lincoln and only about half of the washers and dryers work. Then, you got the people who leave their clothes in the dryers, some even in the washers, and you freak out! The worst part is after drying your clothes, you start folding them and pull out some underwear that ISN'T yours!! That is the worst feeling. Seriously, more washers and dryers are needed!

BigJ said...

I do agree with you. I myself hate doing laundry no matter what but doing it here is ten times worse. People are ridiculous with their laundry at times; people often take up three washers at a time! I myself am lucky; I live on the first floor right by the laundry place. However, I still do not do my laundry here very often. I am fed up with the laundry system here. There should be time cards that people take to know when they should come back or something. There needs to be a drastic change in the way that laundry is done around here.