Thursday, November 1, 2007


This seems to amaze me every time I hear about something that is racist. Now anyone can correct me if I'm wrong, but the following clip kind of shows where I am coming from. Just to put it out there, I am not racist, but this one topic gets to me.
There are groups for Black-American Studies or even certain sororities or fraternitys for Black-Americans. There are Black rally's in the streets even on campus. I see people wearing Black pride sweaters or even t-shirts once in awhile while I am walking to class.
Now, if white people started to have a White-American study or certain sororities or fraternities for whites, or have rallys, and wear white pride apparell. Certain cultural groups would consider that racist and take to offense. But, we most white people do not take to offense of other groups being represented in their own way.
The following clip goes to the extreme of Black-Americans getting offended by dummy nooses being hung around for the celebration of Halloween. The nooses and dummies that were hung up were clearly white looking dummies. I do not know how any Black-Americans could have got offended by this and thinking they were representing black people. Decorations like this have been around for quite some time now and it's all coming out about certain decorations around this time becoming offensive.

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