Monday, November 5, 2007

Long Distance Relationships

Going to college many people try to continue their relationship even though it will now be considered a long distance relationship. Although, many relationships can last and be good there is almost certain that problems and fights will occur a little more often. And there are many relationships that will fail. I came to school having a boyfriend of a year and a half and we broke up the second week of me being here. It was very hard and he couldn't get use to the fact of me not being there everyday. It was also difficult because he was an hour away taking 18 credit hours of classes and he was playing two college sports which made him gone every weekend. It was very difficult but after a few weeks we were able to work things out and continue our relationship. But the one thing I have learned here that most relationships don't last. Most of my friends who came to school with a boyfriend broke up fairly quickly. Why are long distance relationships so hard? If your relationship is based soely on trust and you really care about each other why are there so many problems that arise? Looking at this website helped to give me more insight into long distance relationships


BabaGonoush9 said...

long distance relationships are rough. but like you said in the beginning, they can last. My boyfriend and I have worked through it. He was in college during my senior year. It was really hard. We had many ups and downs. It was hard in different ways for the both of us. But overall, making it through our long distance relationship has made us closer than ever.

Rutherford said...

Well, lets just say that it's hard. My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 months and the first weekend here was unbearable. I wanted to meet new people and get organized. He was in our hometown going to a community college and a full time job. Of course he is going to get mad. We worked out our problems in the beginning but new ones formed. Now, whenever he comes to visit me, which has been maybe 5 times, I don't spend enough time with just him. He normally comes up here on Thursdays and never wants to go out. He just wants to spend time with me. Which is completely understandable for me, but not my friends. They constintly give me "crap" for not going out with them or hanging out with them on Thursdays. It puts me in a weird position because I want to just hang out with my boyfriend, but not hurt my friends here. Yep.. confusing! haha but so far, we've gotten through everything else, so i have hope this will fade too.

Mally said...

I think long distance relationships are hard but I have been able to pull through it with my boyfriend of three years. We have had a lot of fights and the worst thing is I can't see him right away like we usually did at home. We are both freshmen at different schools and I miss him more then anything. This long distance relationship is definatelt making us much more stronger and we know we can pull through.

Beckster said...

I honestly do not think I could handle a long distance relationship. I might be able to if I have been with the guy for at least a year, but other than that no. Although now I might be able to handle it for certain reasons. The guy is my ex and we never got over each other, we broke up because he moved. We started talking again about four or five weeks ago and he would be my acception to a long distance relationship, excpet he lives five hours away! That is totally crazy, right? I give props to anybody who can make a long distance relationship work.

unforgivable said...

This is a topic that I can really relate to. I have a girlfriend that I have been going out with for about 3 1/2 years and it has been tough being this far apart. She goes to U of I and I am obviously here and
it is weird. Fights do occur more often because you don't see each other every day and you also don't have the comfort of knowing that they are 5 minutes away. What I have tried to do is to be more leinent and try to not stay mad for a long time. Otherwise it could hurt you two. You just have to adjust and look forward to the times you actually get to see each other.

cubbiesgirl13 said...

I am in a long distance relationship right now; my boyfriend and I have been dating for two years and moving away from him has been incredibly hard. I still cry everytime I see him and have to leave again. Luckily, he is now very understanding that I am very busy a lot and he is also more trusting, which allows me to go out and have a good time with my friends here without him getting mad at me. We also have many fights too about silly little things, but we always work it out because it is making our relationship so much stronger. When we do see each other now, we appreciate the time together so much more than we use to and we make the time we have together really count, instead of just fighting about little things. I know this doesn't work for everyone, but you have to find someone who can understand what you're going through with being away at school and you both have to completely trust each other.