Monday, November 5, 2007


My sleep is very important to me. I love to sleep. My sleeping cycle has been all messed up. I pretty much take a nap every day. It seems like very time I lay down, I fall asleep. It's hard for me to stay awake during my classes in the beginning of the day. I think there are two main reasons why I've been extremly tired. The first reason is that there are many distractions at college. There is always something going on, either my friends are doing something fun, or I have homework I need to do. I don't think I would ever be able to go to bed before midnight. When I do go to bed my neighbors are so loud. Which is my second reason why I am so tired. Last sunday, my neighbors got guitar hero 2. I tried to go to bed at midnight, they were so loud that I couldn't sleep, the CA's came in at one and told them to be quite. I woke up at two in the morning hearing them screaming. I eventually feel asleep, and woke again at 4 and at 6. They are always up late. Whenever I have a big test I have to sleep over in a friends room. My roomate and I have talked to them about it. They feel bad and say that they will work on it. We also have talked to our CA about it, but she hasn't done much. I still go nights without sleep. My next step is ear plugs. Any ideas?

lots of sleep is a necessity for going kids. Here is a website that explains more about how important sleep is.


armando said...

Getting a good nights sleep is hard for me as well. I am so busy during the day by the time I get back to my dorm I am exhausted. I try to lay down and pass out but then I hear people running around the hall ways at night. Usually I can sleep through noise but sometimes it gets ridiculous. Waking up in the morning is a pain I just wish I could stay in and sleep all day. There are also many NIU events that take up my nights. I do not want to stay in the dorms every night but when I go out during the weekdays I do not get back till late. I do not know what I should do.

Mally said...

I agree I am always wanting to take naps and when I am not taking a nap, my roommate is. The first two weeks were hard to get use to since we both were on totally different schedules. Back at home, I was able to sleep at a decent time and not have any floormates bother me. Everyone comes to hang out in our room till 3 or 4 in the morning...we usually watch a movie or talk. Whenever someone would come into my room at home, I would instantly wake up and now that I am here I do not even hear my roommate early in the morning leaving. But thank goodness I hear my own alarm or that would be a different story.

goooCUBS said...

I am right there with you! I can never get descent sleep here in the dorms! There is just too much going on, and if you are trying to go to sleep early... GOOD LUCK! My neighbors also play guitar hero all night long and start up again at 7 in the morning! My other neighbors love to play football in the hallways all night long and all you can hear are big bangs! I don't understand how people are still active at that time in the night! I have resorted to sleeping and napping every minute I get!

Beckster said...

Some people would disagree and say sleep is overrated. They do not know what they are talking about! I unfortunately have gotten used to not getting that much sleep since i started high school. It is definitely not fun. I love to take naps they really do help during the day. My roommate has it lucky and is able to sleep till at least ten everyday. I have to get up at seven! Then people come in our room and stay till whenever, that does not help either. I just cannot fall asleep anymore.

Beckster said...

One more thing to my comment, we live right next to the lounge so we hear the door opening and closing all night. That definitely does not help.

Rutherford said...

The slepping part is not so hard for me. My two roommates and I normally go to sleep around the same time. It's waking up that is so irritating! They both are heavy sleepers so their cell phone alarms go off at least 7 times a morning. They are on high ringers too! AND the same exact song that wakes me up around 14 times a morning (each roommate.. different phone) I don't know what to tell them because if they put it on vibrate, they won't wake up. I guess I will just have to deal with they annoying ringers that go off every single morning!

miami5045 said...

I have the same problem you are not alone. I often find myself laying in bed staring and the cold metal bars hanging above me and wondering what would happen if they broke and my roommate fell on my in my sleep. To stay on track I have yelled at my neighbors for staying up and being loud, they constantly play loud bass pounding music that keeps me up night after night. At home in high school I usually got an average of eight hours of sleep and adjusting to the college life is extremely difficult. I feel for you and everyone of us that isn't inconsiderate.

cubbiesgirl13 said...

I also have a hard time sleeping, but for some different reasons. I love taking naps, pretty much every day after high school I would take a nap for a couple hours so I would be fresh to do my homework. Now in the dorms I just don't have time to nap, there's just so much work to be done,like these blogs, especially with sorority life, which is a whole nother story. I also now can't even try to go to bed before midnight, it just won't happen. I don't know why, but as soon as I can here my sleep is so off. In high school I used to go to bed around 10:30, having to wake up by 6:30 and it was no problem, so when I got to college I thought yea 9:30 class won't be bad at all because I can sleep until at least 8:45, but wow was I wrong. It is so hard to fall asleep here, maybe it's the new, uncomfterable atmosphere we're in. Luckily, we don't really have a noise problem because everyone is so scared that our crazy C.A. will write them up,because I got stuck on a quiet lifestyle floor, although we do hear the occasional bass pounding on our walls. Sometimes I wish there was more noise because I always slept with the tv on and I don't anymore because my roommate doesn't like it, maybe if there a little more noise I would sleep better. I'm actually scared of our floor; if you get up in the middle of the nigh to to go to the bathroom it is scary quiet!!!

aka_me said...

I have been on the strangest sleeping pattern since I got to NIU. I never go to seep early anymore. I haven’t gone to bed early once since I got here. Even when I try to, I cannot fall asleep; I just lay in bed. It is so distracting living in the dorm that I would rather do stupid things with friends on the floor than sleep. I don’t get to take many naps either! Either I have class all day, or I come back to my room and there is something going on and I either can’t sleep or I don’t want to. I think lack of sleep is why I’ve been sick so much since I got here. I don’t think my body is very happy with me. I wonder what is going to happen when I go home for a month for winter break. I plan on sleeping later, so my sleeping pattern is going to be changed again. Hopefully I will be able to readjust when I get back in January.