Monday, November 5, 2007

Winter at NIU

Now that it is getting colder, have any of you thought about what your going to do in the winter? How are we going to get to class when it starts to snow? I know for a fact it is going to be extremely hard to get on the NIU bus when there is 20,000 other students fighting for a seat. I guess we walk in the snow. BOOO! Once we get to class, where do we store our huge winter coats? In my chemistry class, its a lecture hall with about 400 seats. I know I'm going to get hot and want to take my big coat off, where do you put it? Because of the snow, the floors are going to get all wet. I guess I just have to grin and bear it, but I am NOT looking forward to the winter months at NIU. I feel this way probably because I hate the winter months everywhere else its cold and snows as well. I will just have to get up early to get to class, or just don't go. JK! (Colette told us we had too otherwise we are loosing $36.57.) Thankfully it hasn't snowed yet, so I don't have to worry about it.


Mally said...

I agree. You would think they would have perfected the winter times. Maybe something will be taken into effect once it starts snowing. I still can not believe that the buses have been packed to the maximum this week when it has been nice out and just a little chilly. You know most of those people are just going to DuSable and they end up taking a bus.

goooCUBS said...

I am so afraid for the snow to come! I love to play in it.. but walking to class in snow?? I DONT THINK SO! I don't know how to take the bus yet, so I guess I'm stuck dragging through the snow. I am going to be all bundled up in my huge winter jacket, hats, gloves, boots, the whole deal! I hate being cold! I am sure that every other student will also be taking a lot of clothes off during class, so I am not too worried about over dressing and having no where to put my stuff! We need to keep warm this winter! good luck to everyone!

BigJ said...

I am ready for the snow to come myself. For Christmas I am going to ask for a steel saucer, that way I can just sled or saucer myself to class. I have a feeling it will be much faster, plus I will look forward to getting up and sledding to class. The way back from class will be much more difficult because it is hard to sled up hill. So, I do understand what many of you are concerned about; the busses will be pact more than usual if that is possible and that will make for difficult transportation.

303993 said...

Winter at NIU has crossed my mind many times the last few weeks. I have a class in Barsema Hall next semester! I do not know what I am going to do. As for the bus, it is already too crowded! I live in Lincoln, so by the time the bus comes around there will be absolutly no room. I am not looking forward to this at all. I imagine I will be saying that I want to transfer to a school in the south a whole lot.

Anonymous said...

I'm interested to see what Winter is going to be like here. All I have heard is that its absolutely horrible so I will definitely be bundling up even if there is nowhere to put everything. I will definitely try to take the Bus, but its crowded enough as it is so I don't even wanna know what it is going to be like once its 5 degrees outside with snow everywhere.