Monday, April 18, 2011

Web accessiblility.

Making our websites more accesible for all users will be beneficial to our business. There are many people with disabilities or that are just inept at using websites. We could make our websites accessible for the elderly and the disabled by making easier web tools. This would even help those without a disability. It is already required in many countries for websites to be accessible for users with disabilities. Some web barriers are due to poor web design, web browser, or assistive technology. Many corporations don't even know their website is not easily accessible and don't know how to change it. Organizations not yet invested in web accessibility may be enticed by the accolades others get from their efforts. Involving users early in the web process will allow for better development, improved products for the users, and other benefits for the stakeholders. Many sites have text that is hard to read, audio that is not clear, and controls that are difficult to click. We can improve all of these by the customization system in our computers. Improving our website is a crucial step in moving our business forward. Not only will it allow for more users to browse our site it will also provide easier readibility and controls. We should not discriminate based on one's ability to use the internet, instead we should make our website available for all users.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


I am sorry to inform you that a fire broke out at 10 pm Thursday night. All residents in the near by area have been evacuated and should be able to return tommorrow pending on permission from the local authorities. Because of the diverse nature of materials in the plant, the cause of the fire is unknown but this facility does not carry dangerous chlorine gas and the fire is not spreading to other businesses. Dozens of people have been sent to the hospital with breathing problems but many have already been released. The North Carolina State Department of Enviroment and Natural Resources had not detected anything out of the ordinary in the air. We would like to thank the local police and fire departments for their quick and brave actions. If you have any questions you can call the EQIS toll-free hot line.

listening skills

I have been disappoint in our listening skills during the group meetings lately. We do have an open speaking policy but we need to respect the presenters. I am tired of people interrupting others, asking questions that have already been answered, and exhibiting poor listening habits. Change is in order so we will not be so dysfunctional. I am giving you five points to help improve your listening skills. The first point is to turnoff cell phones or any other device that will distract you from listening so that you can be alert. Be able to relate and understand the information that is being delivered. Give the speaker your eyes and ears during the presentation so that you can pay attention to the body language. Be able to understand the speaker's position and motivate a similar answer. Lastly I want everyone to respect the presenter and not to judge him or her because of their beliefs. These five points will help each of us be better listeners. We need to be able to critically listen in meetings, this is something we have not been able to do. I am positive that these new points will greatly improve our enviroment and that we can execute each point perfectly. I am looking forward to see our group grow.


Comic-Con is a national convention were fans of movies, videos games, and comic books can get together. Many people at Comic-Con dress up as their favorite character, and some even have pretend battles with their nemesis. While visiting Comic-Con, the fans can enjoy a wide variety of merchandise, souvenirs, art shows, games, and awards. With so many different events going every body is bound to have fun. Many special guests also show up at Comic-Con. This provides a fan a chance to talk with the actor that plays their favorite character or get an auto-graph from the creators of their favorite comic. A variety of food and beverages can be purchased at Comic-Con while one is viewing all the features that are offered. The 42nd annual Comic-Con is being held in San Diego California, July 21-24. Hotels reservations can be found online as well as the names of the special guests that are attending. Information will continued to be updated at