Friday, October 5, 2007

Chicago Cubs

This is the cubs 15th post season and they need to win the next three games in a row to win the series. The last time the Cubs won three games in a row they blew it against the Florida Marlins. They took a 3 to 1 lead and blew it in the NLCS. Obviously, I am not a Cubs fan, I am from Florida so naturally I would root for the Marlins. As of late the Cubs have lost two in a row and I am extremely excited to see how depressed the Cubs fans are going to be when they actually stop believing that the team will win and just believe the truth, that the Cubs are the only true losers in MLB. Derrek Lee one of the Cub's best players actually played on the Marlins 2003 team and beat Chicago. As seen here in this article, it tells you everything you need to know about how the Cubs false hopes have led them into a 0-2 hole.


Rex Grossman is still struggling like last year. The Bears offense might be in trouble. They were excited to have some offensive power with the addition of Greg Olsen and Devin Hester but they have failed to prove to be a useful offensive tool so far in the season. The running game is nonexistent. Cedric Benson has caused drama ever since he arrived in Chicago. First he was a hold out then wanted more carries. Now that he is the main man he is not producing at all. Right now every one in Chicago is missing Thomas Jones because he was an unselfish, hardworker, and a versatile running back.
The Bears defense is even struggling this year. The loss of Mike Brown so early in the season will hurt the Bears down the road. The Bears do not look as aggressive or intense as last year. On the plus side the loss of Tank Johnson is not a major loss because of new players on the defensive line are stepping up and filling in. Lance Briggs deciding not to hold out could have been the best decision for his career and the Bear's season. No one right now can miss ten games and expect to be able to play at a high level right when they come back. Bringing in Adam Archuleta was an amazing decision because Mike Greene was not getting the job done last year and with Mike Brown out the Bears will need a veteran safety to make plays.

Monday, October 1, 2007

422 is the new magic number

On Sunday, Brett Favre passed Dan Marino's legendary mark of 420 passing touchdowns against the Minnesota Vikings. This is one of the most talked about records in sports next to the home run record and the points record in basketball. This is only one of the records Brett Farve will pass this season as he already has the record for most wins as a starting quarterback, which he broke on the first game of the season against the Philadelphia Eagles. Brett is also on pace to break the passing yards record for a career.

Brett Favre already has some astonishing records on his resume for the hall of fame. Some of which include most completions in a career and most seasons with 3,000 or more passing yards. Along with the good, though, comes the bad as Brett Favre will also hold the record for most interceptions in a career, as he only needs two more to break that. With a career such as Brett Favre's, that recird will go unnoticed.

Favre's remarkable career is just a side note to the season the Green Bay Packers are putting together. As of today, they have a record of 4-0, which is atop the NFL North division. The bears, on the otherhand, bring up the rear with a miserable 1-3 record. Both teams will be put to the test next week when they square off at Lambeau Field in Green Bay. Next to the San Diego Chargers, the Bears have to be the biggest dissappointment from last year. Although a shakey Rex Grossman led them to the Super Bowl last year, it looks like the complete opposite this year. He has a 1-2 record under his belt and as of last week, has lost his starting job to veteran Brian Griese.

This is the best start for the Packers since 1998, but missed the Super Bowl. With Brett Favre looking his best and the defense stepping up and making plays, i would'nt count them out this year. We will have to sit back and watch the magic continue

"Does it look like I work here?"

How many times have you been going to class and you see a bunch of people walking by, and you notice someone wearing one of those stupid graphic t's with a saying on it. For example; "see back of shirt to keep an idiot busy"or "CSI can't stand idiots". Those shirts make me crazy. I don't think that they are funny.

A kid in my photography class last year, wore those shits all the time. One of the ones I hated the most was "laugh so I can see em' jiggle," It was extremly creepy. I don't think girls who see him wearing that shirt think that he is a guy that they would like to get to know. I don't know how his mother let him leave his house like that.

Kohls has a lot of those graphic t's. Sometimes I wonder how those shirts even get on the market. A guy who designs shirts for Kohls, makes up t-shirt designs and brings them to his boss and they deside which t-shirt is a good idea, right? So when I saw a shirt from Kohls that said "protect your nuts," the people who design shirts for Kohls think that is a good idea.

Maybe boys in middle school think that these t-shirts are funny. They must be their target market. But if that is true, than why are college kids still wearing thoses shirts, why is it that I see a college kid wearing a shirt that says "you looked better on myspace." I think this is something I will never understand.

If you want to see more stupid t-shirts you can look on kohls website...

or.. heres more...

So Long Barry

Barry Bonds played his final home game as a San Francisco Giant on last Wednesday marking an end to an historical run as one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Well it isn’t without speculation and doubt that Bonds used performance enhancing drugs to help break the all-time home run record. To me Bonds is one of the greatest players of all time with or without steroids. He has tremendous skills and really didn’t need to use steroids. However that does not mean I am a fan of Bonds. Since the beginning of his career with the Pittsburgh Pirates all the way to the bitter end (it still remains seen as to if Bonds with retire this year or go play Designated Hitter on an American League team) Bonds has been a complete jerk about what he has done. In turn the fans were jerks right back at him. He was never kind to the media and was always thinking of himself. The fans in San Francisco adore him but he wasn’t really playing for the fans, Bonds wanted that home run record. Throughout his chase of the record nobody really cared because of the way he is as a person. In fact I think his selfish attitude was more of a reason why fans didn’t really care that he was going to break the record, rather than his alleged steroid use. Weather Bonds retires or goes on to play for an American League team remains to be seen, but do we really care anymore?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cell Phones and driving

I am the kind of person that always uses my cell phone while I am driving. I am so busy throughout the day that I feel that I have no time to talk on the phone. I feel that if I am not doing something productive while I am on the phone I am wasting time that I need in my day. Multi-tasking is a dangerous habit especially while driving. Not only can you hurt yourself you can also hurt and even kill others on the road.
Now there is a law that states you can’t drive while on the cell phone. The only device you can use while on your phone is a hands free device. This law is active in most states but not all. It has been debated that while there are other things such as spilling hot coffee that can make you distracted in the car that could cause an accident. Doing other things while driving are dangerous in general. This law just helps to save more lives by reducing some of the multi tasking.
I like that they have enforced this rule because for people like myself who was bound to get in an accident one day is now safer. I always knew my cell phone distracted me but I continued to be on it. Now with this law I force myself to not use my cell phone and I have actually come to find myself as a better driver. this site helps to show the difficulties of driving and using your cell phone. A great thought to think about is what is more important a phone call or your life?
Is Wal-Mart taking over the world?

I do not believe that Wal-Mart is taking over the world. Wal-Mart is the largest cooperation making 220 billion dollars a year. That does not necessarily mean it is taking over corporations. Wal-Mart is a very useful store because it is a one stop shop. You can buy anything and everything at any Super Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart departments include groceries, apparel, electronics, entertainment, home, jewelry, pharmacy, baby, photo, sports and toys. The best part is that all of Wal-Mart’s prices are very reasonable. Their slogan is even “Always Low Prices.” Wal-Mart is also very convenient. As of May 31, 2007, there were 2,326 Wal-Mart Supercenters in the United States and each of them is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Wal-Mart also raises or gives $30,000 to $50,000 a year to local charitable needs ranging from youth programs to literacy councils. I understand that Wal-Marts are indeed everywhere, but, why shouldn’t they be? They give to us, and we give to them. Global Insight, an independent economic analysis firm, concluded that Wal- Mart saved working families over $2,500 per household last year. That is A LOT of money and I believe that it is true. Many Super Wal-Marts also include a McDonalds, a nail place, a bank, and a hair salon making trips an all day event. I think Wal-Mart is an excellent corporation and that Sam Walton is a genius for creating such a great place to shop.

The Worst Virus Ever: Mono!

The weather is quickly taking a spin and the cool fall breeze is in town. This change in the climate really starts to take a toll on many students. The lack of sleep, the amount of homework and the change in weather results in one thing, getting sick.

For the past few weeks my room mate has been sleeping non-stop. If she is not in class, she is in her bed sleeping. For the longest time I had no idea what was wrong with her. She went to Health Services at least three times; taking her blood and testing her for all kinds of things, but they never found anything! I had a feeling that she had mono.

According to, mononucleosis, or commonly just called mono is an infection caused by a virus. Mono affects everyone differently, but the common symptoms include a fever, sore throat, white patches on the back of your throat, feeling very exhausted, headaches, and lack of hunger. Mono is passed very easily. You can get it by transferring saliva and mucus. This includes, drinking out of the same cup, kissing, and sometimes even coughing.

Since Mono is a virus there is not much one can do to treat it. The common procedures to "cure" mono is to getting a lot of rest, drinking plenty of fluids, gargling saltwater, and taking regular pain medications. Mono usually goes away on its own within 4 weeks.

Usually victims of mononucleosis catch it once in their life. For me, I have had mono twice. The first time was when I was in fourth grade. Don't ask how I possible got it that young (I did not kiss people when I was 10). It was the worst feeling of my life. I was out of school for two weeks and just slept non-stop. I never had energy and I never had an appetite to eat. All I wanted to do was sleep. I cried to my mom every night, wanting to just go back to school (surprisingly).

The second time I caught mono it was my first week of junior year. I got a really bad sore throat so I went to the doctor thinking it was just strep throat. The nurse swabbed my throat (I hate that!) and tested me for strep. The doctor came back, the test was negative. He really did not think I would have mono again, but I had to have blood tests done to find out. An hour later after getting my blood drawn, I found out the bad news. I was positive for mono. My doctor told me it was very, very rare to have it twice, but leave it to me to be the lucky one. I stayed home from school for a few days and after that forced myself to go to school. I didn't want to risk missing so many days of school, I knew I would fall far behind. Going back to school was a stupid idea. I was so exhausted and slept in all my classes. Luckily, my teachers knew I was still battling with mono so they never bothered to wake me or yell at me.

Mono is really not a fun thing to deal with. But it is spreading around campus. As fall approaches, beware! I'm glad I have had my share of this virus and will hopefully never get it again. I can't even imagine going to classes and dealing with mono. So good luck to everyone in this season!

Abortion: Pro-choice

Abortion is a topic that we have been discussing in my philosophy for contemporary moral issues class. The argument of abortion is based on whether or not abortion is morally correct. This issue has become popular in today’s society because many women have been using abortion to fix their ‘mistakes,’ as well as a form of birth control. The main question being asked in this argument is if abortion is considered murder.

There are two sides in this debate. One of the options being argued is pro-life, the belief that abortion is morally incorrect. The other side to this argument is pro-choice, the belief that one has the right to have an abortion.

I am strongly pro-abortion, better known as pro-choice. I believe that women should have the choice to decide whether or not she should get an abortion. I do not believe that a fetus is considered a human until it has been fully developed. In contrary, I do not believe that abortion should be performed in the later stages of pregnancy.

Although there are other options that can be taken, abortion solves the problem before it is started. A person’s life can be completely changed by having a child. In my opinion, I would not want to be brought into this world knowing that I was not wanted.

I do not believe that this issue should be as big of a deal as it is right now. If a woman feels like having an abortion is the right choice for her, then no one should be able to tell her otherwise.

This photo sums up my beliefs in a nut shell.

Nursing Student Against Euthanasia

Euthanasia is a topic that my Philosophy for Contemporary Moral Issues class has been debating on for some time now. As a nursing student, it is fair to say that anything concerning the medical field is of particular interest to me. Euthanasia is when a doctor prescribes medication to a patient with the sole purpose of helping the patient end their life. Being that this is a moral controversy, there is no clear cut, right or wrong answer. Both sides of the debate use compelling arguments to prove their point.

On one hand, you have those who believe Euthanasia should be legal. Not because they support wrongful or unnecessary death, but because they believe that in some cases it is more humane to let patients die with dignity. Sometimes patients are terminally ill, meaning that there is no chance for survival. Supporters believe that, in these cases, terminally ill patients may be living their last days in massive amounts of pain and uncertainty.

On the other hand, some people are very much against the idea. I, myself, disagree with supporters of Euthanasia for many reasons. Some include:

· Suicide and homicide are illegal. Why should the law allow a combination of the two?
· Modern medicine can help prevent a patient living his or her last days in pain.
· It goes against the Hippocratic Oath, which states that doctors will not use medicine for anything other then what its intended for.

Both sides of the debate provide good points. I can even see where supporters are coming from and can agree on certain aspects; however, I am against Euthanasia.