Friday, September 28, 2007


Everyone comes to college hoping to become really good friends with a random pick roommate. Some people get lucky and others do not. In my case I was very unlucky.

Two days before moving into school, I found out who my roommate was. I called her immediately to find out some information. She seemed nice and all, but there was something about her that didn't seem right. She told me that she probably won't be in the room a lot since her boyfriend of only two months was also a freshmen at the school.

I thought to myself, well thats will be nice I guess since I will have the room to myself most of the time. Move in day finally came around and I went up to my dorm hoping to meet a new friend. I walked in and the bed was made, shelves were stacked, and the closet was full. My roommate was no where to be found. I waited around so I could meet her. When she finally came around, her and her boyfriend where together on her bed in the underwear and shirts. Thank goodness only me, my brother, and boyfriend were in the room and none of my parents were there at the moment. We sat there feeling ackward and they didn't rush to put their pants on. Later that night I decided to tell them how ackward it was for us to be sitting there while they were wearing hardly anything. Then I decided to go over some rules that I felt where necessary. I began by saying I do not want her boyfriend to be spending the night on school nights, but the weekends are fine.

Obviously she didn't not hear me correctly since her and her boyfriend spent the night two nights in a row on a school night. My CA came up to me since she noticed he was spending a lot of time at our dorm. She asked me if I was okay with it and I said no and I already addressed it to her and I will do it again since she didn't hear what i said. My CA talked to my roommate and then my roommate talked to me. I repeated again that I was not comfortable with her boyfriend spending the night on school nights. She then said okay we are both on the same page.

Well, the week went on and he spent the night again on a school night.

The next day I decided to go to my CA and explain everything and how I really would like a room change since I didn't come to college to live with a couple and never be able to speak to my roommate alone. She always was with her boyfriend and I had to talk to both of them and not just her by herself. I felt like I was doing the wrong thing by going to my CA, but it worked out for the better.
I now live with another girl who is normal. We get along very well and are able to talk things out. And the best thing is...she does not have a boyfriend on campus. Some people can relate to this and others love their roommates. In my case now everything is the opposite of when I first started here.


Italiangrl said...

Let me just say I am sorry you are going through it! I am still going through it with my roommate! I have walked in on my roommate with guys quite a few times and it was so aquired! One time I was kicked out of my room so her and a guy could be in there I decided to go to the lounge it was 12 at night and she said to not come in for an hour! I amlost died I was so mad! I sat in the lounge with all my books studying along with my towle and shower cady so I could take a shower! I was so mad but I feel like since she is a friend from home it is harder to go to my CA but after the guy left we had a talk but she doens't seem to get it! Because of course it happended agian! I don't get it I would never do that to anyone and I have a boyfriend too! I just see it as ridiculous! But I am glad to hear you got a new normal roommate!

Rutherford said...

I guess I am very lucky! I love my roommate. Well, one of the two. I got stuck in a triple without even knowing it. My roommate Lindsey and I communicated before coming to Niu online and such so we got to sorta know eachother over the summer, but the other roommate not so much. She never e-mailed us back, never called us. We knew nothing about her. Well the day before move in day, Lindsey called Felica to talk about sleeping arrangments. When Lins and I arrived, she must not of heard Lindsey correctly or something because Felica took the single bed to herself. She took up half the room! With 3 of us, you can't just take up half the room! Her mom started snapping on us and Lins and I kept thinking what did we get ourselves into. Thankfully it wasn't a boy issue. No boys have been over except my boyfriend who comes maybe ever other week. So thankfully we don't have the boy problems. The 3 of us ended up getting along and can easily put up with eachother! So we both ended up with "normal" people. Sorta.. haha