Friday, September 28, 2007

So who else doesn't get normal amounts of sleep?

So since high school, I cannot fall asleep anymore at regular times. Instead of ten or eleven, it is like one or two in the morning even though I have to get up early. I do not know what it is I just cannot go to bed. My mom told me it is because my mind is over-stimulated from being on the computer and doing homework and things like that. But is it just me that this happens to? It has gotten a little worse since college started, which is just wonderful let me tell you (sarcastically talking about the sleep I get). I overslept for one of my math classes and missed a quiz, that was not good, obviously. I think the fact that my neighbor and one of our (my roommate and I) other friends are always in our room till after midnight, roughly. We do not want to be mean and say "Hey can you guys leave now?" I do not know why we do not just suck it up and say that. (I was not sure if I could use contractions in this that is why i did not.) My roommate is lucky, she does not start class till after eleven everyday unlike me who starts at eight three days out of the week. I do not have a link for this, it was just on my mind.

1 comment:

Italiangrl said...

I definatly agree with your blog! I never feel like I am getting enough sleep! And if I sleep during the day then I really can't sleep at night. Everything you said in your blog I have felt the same way! People are always in my room till so late and I don't want to be rude and kick them out and even when they do finally leave I still can't sleep. I lay in bed thinking of all the things I have to do. I feel like there are never enough hours in the day. I don't even have time for naps because I have so much homework and studying I should be doing instead. Your mom is correct my mind is over stimulated I am constintly on my computer and constantly thinking about something. My biggest fear is oversleeping through a class. There have been a few times I have slept through my alarm and had to wake up and run into class a little late. I always find it so hard to get out of my bed in the morning I don't have my mom like i did in high school dragging me out of bed. Here its up to myself to get up and get to class. As much as i love the freedom it is hard to balance everything. So I am right there with you on not getting enough sleep!