Friday, September 28, 2007

People who talk on their phone while talking to other.

Have you ever tried to talk to someone who was holding another conversation on a cell phone? Not only do I think that talking on a cell phone is not only annoying , but is very rude as well. In our society we learn that we should give people our full attention when we talk to them. Once I was walking with my friend to the store and we were having a very important conversation, when her phone rang. She told me to hold on because her boyfriend and she had to talk to him. I shook my head and said “OK”. While she was on the phone with him she was trying to hold another conversation off to the side with me. After a couple of minutes of that she finally realized that both her boyfriend and I were getting annoyed so she hung up and we carried on out conversation as before. Another major issue is talking on the phone while driving and with someone else in the car. Not only is having another person in a car is a major distraction but talking on the phone with another person there is a distraction but very dangerous. Stated in twenty percent of phone calls rise during the mid-day. Over all, while talking on the phone people should be aware of who they are with when talking on the phone and where they are doing it at because it not only could be annoying but dangerous as well.

1 comment:

lazarus8964 said...

Well, try to think about it from the perspective of the person on the phone. I personally have had to go through situations like this. I’m not good at multi-tasking, but I’ve had several instances where I’m found myself talking to my roommate, talking to someone on the phone, while simultaneously instant messaging several people online. It’s a lot of pressure put on that person, they are responsible for entertaining all of those people. I agree that when someone is driving or in the middle of something is important, then that person shouldn’t answer the phone. But especially if you’re a guy and you don’t answer the phone, it’s worth having two half conversations then one conversation and a future shunning coming your way.