Monday, October 29, 2007


Public display of Affection bothers me. I don't like it when couples are all over each other in public. It doesn't bother me when couples hold hands, hug, or a little kiss. I totally understand that, but I hate when people make out in public. It happens way more than it should. Over the past weekend, I went to the University of Wisconsin, Madison. My friend adam brought his new girlfriend. She seemed like a really nice girl, but everyone was annoyed that they were constantly making out. We went to a party and they were in the corner kissing, we went to dinner and they were making out during dinner! Someone started to taking pictures of them at the restaurant. It was embarressing. I think that this was unusual for how old they are. Both of them were 19, usually PDA is for middle schoolers. I'm sure that many of you have been to a high school football game and in the middle school section you see many little boys and girls kissing. Many middle schools have problems monitoring PDA. I don't think that this behavior is healthy. For my friend Adam and his new girlfriend many people we offended by them. We were embarressed to bring them places. If you are someone who does PDA, please wait to show affection until you are in a privite area.

If you are interested in learning about what other people think about PDA go to and there are many websites that explian other views of PDA


nenala said...

I too don't like it when couples display TOO much affection in public. I don't understand how they can do this in public without being embarrassed; I mean come on, people are watching! What I truly hate is when couples make out right in front of their parents, that's completely disrespectful. The high school I attended, Kelly High School (Chicago), was sworming with couples who made out in the halls. The worst part was that the staff would simply walk pass them without saying anything, which allowed the couples, and others, to see it as something acceptable. Those couples need to GET A FREAKEN ROOM!!

goooCUBS said...

I totally understand! I hate people that have too much affection for each other in public! It's just gross! I mean good for you, you guys like each other, but you don't have to go around and prove it to the world! I had a boyfriend that always wanted to kiss in public, but I turned away each time. It is just not a thing people need to see! In high school, I too saw couples making out. My friends and I always used to go around screaming at them and yelling PDA! If they are that good of a couple they don't need to constantly be all over each other. That is something you need to keep in the bedroom! No one cares to see it!

304084 said...

I completely agree. I think its incredibly disgusting when two people are all over each other in public. There is a time and a place for that type of affection. Which, in my opinion, is not really affection at all. It's merely two horny people attacking each other. Nobody wants to see a person shove their tounge into another person's mouth. As you stated, holding hands or a simple kiss is absolutly fine. However, when spit and groping start to occur, its time to get a room.