Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Playoff in College Football

This year has been one of the most exciting college football seasons ever. There is so much parity in the sport that any given school can be beaten by any given school on any given Saturday. This is evident by the six teams who lost to unranked opponents at the time they were ranked second in the nations polls. Missouri came out of nowhere and is now the number one team in the nation after beating previously unbeaten Kansas on Saturday.

Now more then ever College Football needs a playoff system instead of the ridiculous BCS. For those of you not familiar, the BCS is a computer bases ranking systems that decides who gets to play for the national championship. Currently the match up would be Missouri versus West Virginia, but there are so many other teams who are just as talented that deserve a shot at the national title. Teams like Ohio State, Georgia, LSU, Oklahoma, Kansas all deserve shots at the national title. I propose a 8 team playoff where the top 8 teams in the BCS rankings play in a playoff formated system. Winner takes all. Instead we have controversy year in and year out about who the real national champion is. For all the College football traditionalists who think that the Bowl system should not be messed with, just think about all the deserving teams who have missed there shot at a national title because of one regular season loss.


monsoon said...

i totally agree with college football having a playoff. The computers make their standing off what they think is the team with the toughest record or plays in the best confernce. Many of the mid major universities who have great undefeated seasons and have a couple wins from teams outside the BCS do not get a fair chance to be at the top of the sport. Yea last year Bosie State had the chance to beat Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl, but this year Hawaii who is from the same conference as Boise State has gone undefeated and has a heisman canidate at Quarterback and they won't get the chance to play in a BCS because of stregnth of schedule. A playoff like the NCAA Basketball tournament will allow all schools who qualify the oppurtunity to win and more Mid-Major teams a the top.

Saint_Louis_Cardinals said...

I agree collge football does need a playoff system, but not because the one loss teams it's because there are many mid major teams that have great records and do not get the oppurtunity to play for a bational championship. The BCS consist of six conferences. College football should be determined the same way the college basketball is determined. Schools that play in mid-major conferences beat BCS schools and it is a shame that they have the opurtunity to win basketball national championship, but will never have the chance to win a football national championship. Way to go BCS!