Sunday, September 30, 2007

Abortion: Pro-choice

Abortion is a topic that we have been discussing in my philosophy for contemporary moral issues class. The argument of abortion is based on whether or not abortion is morally correct. This issue has become popular in today’s society because many women have been using abortion to fix their ‘mistakes,’ as well as a form of birth control. The main question being asked in this argument is if abortion is considered murder.

There are two sides in this debate. One of the options being argued is pro-life, the belief that abortion is morally incorrect. The other side to this argument is pro-choice, the belief that one has the right to have an abortion.

I am strongly pro-abortion, better known as pro-choice. I believe that women should have the choice to decide whether or not she should get an abortion. I do not believe that a fetus is considered a human until it has been fully developed. In contrary, I do not believe that abortion should be performed in the later stages of pregnancy.

Although there are other options that can be taken, abortion solves the problem before it is started. A person’s life can be completely changed by having a child. In my opinion, I would not want to be brought into this world knowing that I was not wanted.

I do not believe that this issue should be as big of a deal as it is right now. If a woman feels like having an abortion is the right choice for her, then no one should be able to tell her otherwise.

This photo sums up my beliefs in a nut shell.

1 comment:

304084 said...

During the duration of my Philosophy class, abortion has been a popular subject of discussion. While I disagree with you on certain aspects, such as a fetus not being a baby until full development, I also am Pro-Choice. I don't think I could ever force myself to kill my own child growing inside of me, but I believe that I should have the choice to do so.