Monday, October 1, 2007

"Does it look like I work here?"

How many times have you been going to class and you see a bunch of people walking by, and you notice someone wearing one of those stupid graphic t's with a saying on it. For example; "see back of shirt to keep an idiot busy"or "CSI can't stand idiots". Those shirts make me crazy. I don't think that they are funny.

A kid in my photography class last year, wore those shits all the time. One of the ones I hated the most was "laugh so I can see em' jiggle," It was extremly creepy. I don't think girls who see him wearing that shirt think that he is a guy that they would like to get to know. I don't know how his mother let him leave his house like that.

Kohls has a lot of those graphic t's. Sometimes I wonder how those shirts even get on the market. A guy who designs shirts for Kohls, makes up t-shirt designs and brings them to his boss and they deside which t-shirt is a good idea, right? So when I saw a shirt from Kohls that said "protect your nuts," the people who design shirts for Kohls think that is a good idea.

Maybe boys in middle school think that these t-shirts are funny. They must be their target market. But if that is true, than why are college kids still wearing thoses shirts, why is it that I see a college kid wearing a shirt that says "you looked better on myspace." I think this is something I will never understand.

If you want to see more stupid t-shirts you can look on kohls website...

or.. heres more...

1 comment:

miami5045 said...

I think you are right 100%, those shirts are ridiculous. Even down to the middle school kids because i remember my friends in middle school wearing those t-shirts and they were funny back then. Now, however, that is a different story and the men, scratch that, BOYS who still wear them will continue to be boys until, someone like you comes around and tells it to their face!