Monday, October 1, 2007

So Long Barry

Barry Bonds played his final home game as a San Francisco Giant on last Wednesday marking an end to an historical run as one of the greatest baseball players of all time. Well it isn’t without speculation and doubt that Bonds used performance enhancing drugs to help break the all-time home run record. To me Bonds is one of the greatest players of all time with or without steroids. He has tremendous skills and really didn’t need to use steroids. However that does not mean I am a fan of Bonds. Since the beginning of his career with the Pittsburgh Pirates all the way to the bitter end (it still remains seen as to if Bonds with retire this year or go play Designated Hitter on an American League team) Bonds has been a complete jerk about what he has done. In turn the fans were jerks right back at him. He was never kind to the media and was always thinking of himself. The fans in San Francisco adore him but he wasn’t really playing for the fans, Bonds wanted that home run record. Throughout his chase of the record nobody really cared because of the way he is as a person. In fact I think his selfish attitude was more of a reason why fans didn’t really care that he was going to break the record, rather than his alleged steroid use. Weather Bonds retires or goes on to play for an American League team remains to be seen, but do we really care anymore?

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