Sunday, September 30, 2007

Nursing Student Against Euthanasia

Euthanasia is a topic that my Philosophy for Contemporary Moral Issues class has been debating on for some time now. As a nursing student, it is fair to say that anything concerning the medical field is of particular interest to me. Euthanasia is when a doctor prescribes medication to a patient with the sole purpose of helping the patient end their life. Being that this is a moral controversy, there is no clear cut, right or wrong answer. Both sides of the debate use compelling arguments to prove their point.

On one hand, you have those who believe Euthanasia should be legal. Not because they support wrongful or unnecessary death, but because they believe that in some cases it is more humane to let patients die with dignity. Sometimes patients are terminally ill, meaning that there is no chance for survival. Supporters believe that, in these cases, terminally ill patients may be living their last days in massive amounts of pain and uncertainty.

On the other hand, some people are very much against the idea. I, myself, disagree with supporters of Euthanasia for many reasons. Some include:

· Suicide and homicide are illegal. Why should the law allow a combination of the two?
· Modern medicine can help prevent a patient living his or her last days in pain.
· It goes against the Hippocratic Oath, which states that doctors will not use medicine for anything other then what its intended for.

Both sides of the debate provide good points. I can even see where supporters are coming from and can agree on certain aspects; however, I am against Euthanasia.

1 comment:

303993 said...

After reading that article, and attending the philosophy lectures I have learned more about Euthanasia. I believe that I am for Euthanasia for certain reasons. One of the philosophers we talked about in class was talkin about how Euthanasia is allowed in certain circumstances. I believe in that as well. I think that if a person is really ill, and that their life is experiencing more pain and suffering, and only have a short amount of time to actually live, then it is permissable.