Friday, September 28, 2007

Blueooth users

Have you ever walked around the mall or just down the street and it looks like someone is just talking to themselves? I think that Bluetooth technology is amazing, but its purpose was to use it while you’re driving to not be as distracted, but as a society we have become so lazy that we can’t hold a phone up to our ear anymore when we just walk down the street. I used to work in a retail store in Woodfield mall and I loved being the cashier, or at least I used to. I hated it when a customer would come up to the register and be talking on their Bluetooth and trying to talk to me at the same time. It would confuse me because I never knew if they were talking to me or the person on the other line. I actually had a customer snap back at me when I asked her to repeat what she said. She meanly said don’t you see I’m on the phone. Well, no I don’t see that you’re on the phone because you have no phone in your hand. I wish people could just take the time to pick up their phone. I wonder if people realize how strange they look when they are walking by themselves on their Bluetooth. Some Class 1 Bluetooth devices are also dangerous to peoples’ health because they use microwave radio frequency. In conclusion Bluetooth makes you look strange when walking around by yourself, it makes the people around you angry and confused and some are dangerous to you health.

1 comment:

BigJ said...

I completely agree with this entire statement. People using Bluetooth is quite odd. For the most part it seems like the primary users are middle aged people that are trying to act young and hip. However, they should look around and realize there are no young and hip kids walking around with Bluetooth talking to their friends. I too worked at a retail store, a music store to be precise; we would get people coming in using Bluetooth all the time. It was ridiculous trying to talk to them or wondering if they were talking to me. Bluetooth has done more wrong than it has done right.