Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cell Phones and driving

I am the kind of person that always uses my cell phone while I am driving. I am so busy throughout the day that I feel that I have no time to talk on the phone. I feel that if I am not doing something productive while I am on the phone I am wasting time that I need in my day. Multi-tasking is a dangerous habit especially while driving. Not only can you hurt yourself you can also hurt and even kill others on the road.
Now there is a law that states you can’t drive while on the cell phone. The only device you can use while on your phone is a hands free device. This law is active in most states but not all. It has been debated that while there are other things such as spilling hot coffee that can make you distracted in the car that could cause an accident. Doing other things while driving are dangerous in general. This law just helps to save more lives by reducing some of the multi tasking.
I like that they have enforced this rule because for people like myself who was bound to get in an accident one day is now safer. I always knew my cell phone distracted me but I continued to be on it. Now with this law I force myself to not use my cell phone and I have actually come to find myself as a better driver. this site helps to show the difficulties of driving and using your cell phone. A great thought to think about is what is more important a phone call or your life?


Mally said...

I totally agree with you, whenever I would drive and talk on the cell, I noticed myself drifting away from paying attention to the road. Luckily, I never got in a car crash but sure came close. Your blog was well put together and I did not notice any major mistakes.

goooCUBS said...

I agree with your blog. Even to this day I still am caught on my phone while driving. I know it is not a good thing to do at all. I catch myself sometimes having a difficult time driving while on the phone. It is harder for me to pay attention to where I am going. When I finally get off the phone I just think to myself, “wow how did I get to where I am?” We get so distracted on the phone that we don’t seem to pay attention to how we are getting to where we are going. I start thinking, “did I blow a stop light or do anything wrong?” It is not a good idea to use your phone while driving at all.

BabaGonoush9 said...
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BabaGonoush9 said...

I agree with your blog. I do talk on my cell phone when I drive and I know it is wrong. My Mom hates it. She gets really mad when I do, but she is right it is very dangerous. For exapmle; Last Friday, I was driving and I almost got in a horible car accident. The girl pulled out right in front of me; I had to slam on my breaks, all because she was talking on the phone and wasn't paying attention. I was so mad!

aka_me said...

I definitely agree with you on this. I know that a lot of times when I am on my phone I am in my own world. I don’t pay attention as much as I should to the things going on around me. And today, it’s not only people talking on the phone while driving, but texting, too. Texting while driving can be even more dangerous. I try to keep myself from doing either of these while driving if I can. I think that people can put their calls and texting on hold for a little while, at least until they get where they are going. If an accident can be avoided, it should, so phones shouldn’t be used while driving.