Sunday, September 30, 2007

Is Wal-Mart taking over the world?

I do not believe that Wal-Mart is taking over the world. Wal-Mart is the largest cooperation making 220 billion dollars a year. That does not necessarily mean it is taking over corporations. Wal-Mart is a very useful store because it is a one stop shop. You can buy anything and everything at any Super Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart departments include groceries, apparel, electronics, entertainment, home, jewelry, pharmacy, baby, photo, sports and toys. The best part is that all of Wal-Mart’s prices are very reasonable. Their slogan is even “Always Low Prices.” Wal-Mart is also very convenient. As of May 31, 2007, there were 2,326 Wal-Mart Supercenters in the United States and each of them is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Wal-Mart also raises or gives $30,000 to $50,000 a year to local charitable needs ranging from youth programs to literacy councils. I understand that Wal-Marts are indeed everywhere, but, why shouldn’t they be? They give to us, and we give to them. Global Insight, an independent economic analysis firm, concluded that Wal- Mart saved working families over $2,500 per household last year. That is A LOT of money and I believe that it is true. Many Super Wal-Marts also include a McDonalds, a nail place, a bank, and a hair salon making trips an all day event. I think Wal-Mart is an excellent corporation and that Sam Walton is a genius for creating such a great place to shop.


Italiangrl said...

I agree that wal-mart is not taking over other corporations. I believe it is a very good comany that is doing very well but there are other stores such as target where you can get everything you need at one place. Target is not getting taken over by wal mart. People want to shop where it is convenient and where there are low prices. With both of those in mind people will shop where they will be better suited whether its wal-mart, K-mart, target and so on. Wal-mart is a helpful company that helps contribute to charities. Personally I know I shop at Wal-Mart a lot whether it is for food, uploading photos, or buying clothes I like to know that my money is going to something that can help someone else in need such as a charity. So in my opinion Wal-Mart is not taking over but it is a booming corporation.

303993 said...

I do not think that Wal-Mart is taking over the world, but I think that it has made many advancements that may seem that it has over the last few years. When I was younger Wal-Mart was a place that I only went to when I would go over to my grandmother's house. As soon as I got to high school, I went there occasionally. Ever since I have come to DeKalb it has been my first stop when I go shopping. Its expansion is a plus for consumers because they can now get everything that they need in one stop. Today's society demands to have everything as soon as possible, and Wal-Mart has taken care of that. I do not think that this franchise will put others out of business, because similar franchises like Target are just as popular.