Friday, October 19, 2007


The environment is a vital part in every body’s lives. Sadly, today, the environment is being misused and abused. Many corporations and businesses are dumping waste into our waters and polluting our air. There was a story on the news the other day where a business wanted to dump large amounts of a chemical into Lake Michigan. This chemical was not proven to be harmful to humans in small doses but it is definitely harmful to the fish.
If we as humans keep destroying our environment we will end up destroying ourselves. Killing off the fish in Lake Michigan will mess up the economy and many fishermen’s lives. Examples like this are happening everyday. Factories are releasing smoke and toxins in the air continuously along with the exhaust coming from our own cars. We can all see our environment breaking down between the littering in the streets and the smoke in the air.
It is not a surprise the Global Warming will come about because of our pollution. Not only are we hurting the environment we are hurting ourselves and the other creatures that live on this earth. Many animals are losing their homes and becoming extinct because we are tearing down the forests along with their homes. Scientists say that if we had not cut down the rainforest we would have already found the cure for cancer. With all the destruction we are causing we have lost many species of plants and animals.
People in general tend to only care about what they want and take it out on the environment. Corporations will do anything for a dollar even if it means cutting down the forest or polluting the air. If everyone can do the little things to keep or environment that we live in safe we will all save the Earth.

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