Monday, October 22, 2007

Multiple Sclerosis

In my life so far I have had 2 people rather close to me get the disease Multiple Sclerosis MS. It is a very sad disease and over the years the disease has seemed to only get worse. When i am around things such as that I am much more appreciative of the little things I can go in life. Such as walk and run and have the ability to do things on my own. The 1st encounter I had with a person with MS was a lady who lived in my neighborhood and needed someone to take care of her and help her around the house. A few years ago I would go to her house everyday after school and help her. I would load the dish washer when I got there and unload it right before I left. I also did her laundry and watered her plants. I would have to vacume and dust. I pretty much took care of her whole house but I also had to take care of her. A person living with MS has to do exercises daily. This lady had a very bad case so and couldn't even walk she was in a moterized chair. I would help pull her out of her chair and place her on the ground. Then I had to help her stretch. Her body couln't do anything for itself. The hardest part was having to get her back into the chair. She was an older lady who had kids who were also older and moved out of the house and lived in different states. Everytime I was there all I could think about was what if my mom had to go through this. It would be so hard to watch a person who was once active and fine deal with a disease which is slowly taking over there body because MS disrupts the messages sent through the nervous system. My second encounter with it came with my boyfriends mom. I have been with him for about two years and in the two years I have slowly watched her get worse and worse. She is not able to walk very well and it is very hard for her to go out of the house. She wasn't able to go to our prom pictures due to the amount of walking. Little things like that breaks my heart that a person has to go through that. If you would like to learn more about MS go to

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