Friday, November 16, 2007

Barry Bond's indictment may cost him.

There has been a lot of Barry Bonds talk for a couple years now. With him breaking records and putting up higher numbers, everyone has been blaming it on steroids. Now, facing a indictment by a federal grand jury, Bonds might have really done himself in this time.
According to, in December 2003, Bonds met with the BALCO grand jury for steroid use. After 3 hours of asking Bonds questions, all that really can out of him was "I don't recall" or "Not that I know of." So after all the testimony he got out and never got charged with anything.
This all may change soon though, because Bonds has to meet again with a grand jury and he may be found for obstucting justice along with various other crimes. If he is found guilty this will put a dark stamp on his already marked career. He will join the long list of various other players that have been found to use steriods and all of his records could be stripped away from him. To learn more about the most recent case go to for the entire story.

1 comment:

student55 said...

I am not a fan of Barry Bonds. The steroid scandal has definitely tainted his career, and he does not deserve to be in the record books or in the MLB. He cheated by using steroids along with many other players, and this is hurting baseball. Althletes in the past were able to break records and perform well without steroids, so today's athletes should be able to also. They are making a lot of money, and they should work harder to be the best they can be instead of taking steroids.