Friday, November 16, 2007

Dorm Life

I don’t know about the rest of the students in this class, but I’m not a big fan of living in the dorms. I thought I would really enjoy it. In fact, all summer, all I thought about was getting out of my house and living on my own. Well, okay, I still enjoy the living on my own thing and having all the freedom in the world to do anything I want. But I’m not even totally living on my own. I have a room mate, although she is always gone anyway. But I also have sixty people on my floor. I’d mention something about my CA, but he’s never around either. So I still really don’t have rules. But I did not realize that living in a dorm would be more of a hassle then it is fun. I have friends who absolutely love living in the dorm. I think it has a lot to do with what dorm it is and what kind of people you have on your floor. I’m in Grant C. Grant is the oldest dorm, so it doesn’t look very nice. Also, my floor is kind of obnoxious. I am very school focused. I spend a lot of time worrying about my classes and doing my homework and trying to study. The people on my floor aren’t like that. They just like to drink and party and yell and blast music. It’s so hard to concentrate here. And it goes on until at least three in the morning. There is even one girl who always has her baby sleeping here! Crying all night! I don’t know about anyone else, but dorm life did not live up to my expectations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think we all have different views on the dorm life. I don't really mind it that much but definitely wouldn't say I enjoy it. There are so many different types of people on any given floor that it can sometimes be stressful when people are loud and your trying to study. My C.A. doesn't seem to be around at all, I rarely see her and she barely does anything about any issue people really have. Sometimes it gets hard to sleep too with people running around at 3 in the morning every night. That seems to have calmed down however as the semester has gone on, people are getting more work so the noise has been less and less.