Thursday, October 25, 2007


It is about that time of year to start thinking about spring break. Although it is still months away reservations need to be made and plane tickets need to be bought. Spring break can be stressful besides the fact of needing to come up with money to pay for the whole thing. I also need to find people who want to go and can afford it. Then I need to get past the parents letting the group of us go alone. There are so many plans that go into this one week. Is it really worth it? I think so. I love vacations whether its travling far or just driving to wisconsin. Its a time to get away and have fun and not worry about a thing. This spring break I plan to go to Florida. That is my favorite place! I love the warm weather and all the pretty palm trees. Florida has been my favorite place since I was little. My family would go at least once a year. Disney World is my favorite place, I love roller coasters. One time my older sister and I went to Disney World for a long weekend and rode Tower of Terror 23 times in a row. It is by far my favorite ride! But now that I am older having to plan your own trips are much more stressful! I miss having my dad make all the plans and pay for the whole trip. Now that I am older and have more responsibilities I have to figure this all out on my own. Luckily my parents are pretty cool so I am hoping they might help me out a little. But I definatly think all the hassle of putting a trip together is worth it for a week of relaxation. But by planning the trip so far made me realize all the times my family went on a vacation it was not very easy to put a vacation for seven together and it is hard to find the cheapest prices. But no matter what I love vacations!


trevorolson said...

At least you will have the option of going some were cool for spring break. I have to go home for spring break because it is only one of the two times a year that I really get to go home and spend time with my family. So by saying this it is my mother that has told me I am coming home for spring break.

nenala said...

I love vacations!! I specially love road trips. I've taken a couple road trips down to Mexico, California, and Georgia. These have been family trips and I have a huge family. When we take these trips we typically have about four or five vehicles, full of relatives, following each other. So we make a lot of restroom stops, that's the best part because it means prank time. One time, when we stopped at a gas station, my cousins and I ran into the store and got shaving cream. While one of our uncles was using the restroom we completely covered his windshield with shaving cream. It was hilarious!!! We he came out, he dropped to his knees yelling NOOOOOOOOO!!! Everyone else was crying with laughter. Then he got up, grabbed shaving cream from the windshield, and chased us all over the gas station. We all looked like little kids, but we have great vacations full of family and fun.