Tuesday, October 23, 2007

The Way I See It

The way I see it people in the world should care more. They should care more about themselves, other people, and the Earth. Right now most humans are spoiled and only think about themselves. Many of us need a humbling experience. We go throughout our lives worrying about what we want or need. We forget to think about what others less fortunate than us need things more. We are driven by our own ambition and forget to see the finer things in life like a sunset. Ever since we were children we were given things that we wanted. Now that we are older we work for what we want but forget to give back. People are so obsessed with their own personal things that someone else might need our help.
People might find it funny that they actually might enjoy helping others out. Most people will look at as a waist of time of that they have to sacrifice something to help others but we can get enjoyment out of seeing others succeed. Donating money to different organizations that help people less fortunate is a simple way to help the world out. Being a mentor has lasting affects on the student and the teacher. The student gets to progress into a successful adult and the teacher can see the progress from the start and know that they made a difference and a person’s life. Just doing the little things in the streets will help individuals tremendously and no one can tell what a small deed can become in the future.


trevorolson said...

I see exactly were you are coming from with your opinoins. I also am in agrence with you. Because every Friday night at the team meal i see people that take so much food and the will maybe eat about half of the food that they take. I am sitting there thinking to my self why do people take so much food and waste it when there are people in countrys that could eat the food they waste at one meal for monthes.

nenala said...

I completely agree with you. We all need to do more to help others, like those living in poverty. If we all do our part, we can do this!! It has been estimated that we can wipe out poverty in 20 years!! What the F**K are we waiting for? We can help by raising awareness and donating to reliable organizations.