Sunday, December 2, 2007


It is 8:30 Sunday night and I have no idea where my weekend went. Everything goes by so fast at college! The weeks go by so fast and the weekends go by even faster. I have no idea where all of my time went. All I did today was go to lunch, shower, watch the Bears game, and some homework and it’s already 8:30. I wish we had more time in the day. It seems like I never have an enough time to do anything! It’s weird though, because in high school my days were so long. I never complained about my days being too short. I feel like a lot has changed since I have been in college. I always knew that things would be different, but I never knew things would have changed this much. School is so much more important, I can’t afford to slack off at all. Friends are different. I like my new friends a lot; they are just not like my old friends. My parents also treat me different. They treat me like an adult, which is good, I’m just still getting used to it. In college I have so much stuff that I need to do. I just wish college didn’t go by so fast. I feel like all of my college years will fly by and next thing I know it’s my senior year. After the next to weeks things will slow down. I will have a whole month of nothing. I will be able to sleep, hang out with my family and friends, and relax.

Here is a website that explains some of the stress college students have to deal with

1 comment:

nenala said...

I completely agree with you. Time does fly when you are in college. I also agree that it's kind of weird. I feel that when I'm here in school the time goes by so quitely, and when I'm home time is normal and slow. I think we feel this way because we are so busy and we get caught up in time. I don't think there is much we can do about it but enjoy every minute of this college experience.