Wednesday, December 5, 2007

A Christmas Story

There is one thing that I can not wait for when it come to Christmas besides the presents. it is to be able to watch the Christmas Story for twenty-four hours. trust me i watch it about ten times through that period. It is an awesome movie you have the dad the has to get everything for cheap or get a deal on it. then you have the "fragile box that must be Italian.". The leg in the wind that the old man won in the contest and he thought would be a bowling lane. The mom would always turn off the leg light but not every other light in the house and say we need to save electricity to the dad. then you have Ralph the kid that would shot his eye out with his Red Rider BB gun. he of course would go on to do this but would say an icicle feel off the roof. i have never seen some one complain for something as much as he did for the gun. then my favorite scene when the kid stick his tongue to the flag pole because he was triple dog dared to do it. the best part about it was that everyone in the class just left him out there when the bell rang and no one told a teacher. the fire department came and got him lose from the pole. this is why i watch the movie so many times because it just makes me laugh all the time. Cant forget to mention the Bumpus Hounds.


cubsfan4life15 said...

WOW, you are so right! I absolutly love this movie and recently purchased it so i can watch it during the summer to get my pumped for the 24 hour marathon. I must say my favorite part is when Ralphy rushes up to the bathroom to decode the secret message and it ends up saying, "Be sure to drink your ovaltine" I love that part. This movie is definitely a Christmas classic and should be apart of everyones movie library.

lazarus8964 said...

I like that movie too. I don’t even know how many times I’ve seen it in my life. My personal favorite part of that movie is at the end with the duck at the Chinese restaurant. “He’s…..he’s….. smiling at us.” And the little Chinese guy said “ohhhh” WHACK, and chops the head off. That is hands down the best part, that and the part when the waiters started singing. The one thing I don’t understand; is why do they show that movie at any other point during the year? I just saw it on TV a couple weeks ago.