Friday, November 30, 2007

Christmas Break!

I can not wait to go home for Christmas break! I come from a family with five kids and my two parents. If you have ever watched Everyone Loves Raymond that is a good show to compare my family too. My grandparents live across the street and are constantly dropping by. My aunt, uncle, and cousins live five houses down. Our family is always around and I love it, it just gets a little crazy. I have two older sisters who don't live in the house any more and now I don't either so just my sister and brother do. I love the holidays because everyone is together and we always have so much fun. On Christmas eve we all go to my grandmas who is the typical Italian and makes way to much food and makes three different kinds of pasta. We then always end up playing some type of crazy game like mad gab. Then we all walk home, since everyone that goes lives on the street. As we get home it is a tradition since we are little for all 5 siblings to sleep in one room. I love it because things have changed over the years and everyone is getting older but Christmas always ends up being the same every year. We wake up Christmas morning to a tree full of presents and my mom makes an amazing pancake breakfast. I can't wait for Christmas break!!!


student55 said...

I can't wait for break either! You're really lucky to be close with your family. My family is spread out over the country, in Texas, Connecticut, Colorado, and Wisconsin, so I very rarely get to spend holidays with them. I'm not close with any of my cousins, but when my family gets together we have a good time. Although I can't say that I would always enjoy my grandparents stopping in whenever they wanted, I do wish I lived closer to them. I finally get to spend Christmas in Wisconsin with my grandparents and my uncle's family that lives in Wisconsin is coming too, so my Christmas will be similar to yours!

cubbiesgirl13 said...

Reading your blog made me laugh because I also can kind of compare my family to Everybody loves Raymond; my grandma likes to have everything under her control and is famous for making you feel guilty for about anything and everything. She also has christmas eve and makes way to much food, we cook sausages at midnight and you can always count on having every type of candy posible on the table. So I am also very excited for break because I love having all of my family come over and exchange presents and of course I love waking up finding tons of presents under our christmas tree and having a big christmas dinner.