Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Mud Bowl

Last night marked one of the worst football games I have ever watched in my entire life. It took place between one of the best teams in the AFC, the Pittsburgh Steelers versus the winless Miami Dolphins. To start off with, the game shouldn't have even been played in the first place. It had rained a massive amount before the game and was still raining during the game causing horrible playing conditions for the players. Nobody could get any footing because the playing field was so bad. You could barely see the lines on the field marking the yard lines. The grounds crew had to come out constantly and poor massive amounts of dirt to try to dry the field up. Chunks of the turf were seen all over the field, it was extremely dangerous. At one point during the game the Dolphins were punting and when the ball landed it just stuck in the ground. Anyone who watches football knows that shouldn't happen, the ball would always take a bounce one way or the other. All of these factors played into one of the most poorly played games I have seen in a while. The score was 0-0 in the 4th quarter with under two minutes remaining when Steelers kicker Jeff Reed hit a field goal to give the Steelers a 3-0 victory. Earlier in the game Jeff Reed kicked a field goal and missed it horribly to the left because he could not get any footing. Overall this was a horrible game and the NFL should not have let them play due to the bad weather conditions.


BigJ said...

I watched part of the Mud Bowl that evening and I completely agree that the game should not have been played in those conditions. It made for a horrible game because of the lack of footing the players would get. When I turned the game on once again late in the fourth quarter, I could not believe the game was still scoreless. It was preposterous to even think a professional football game could be played to the expectations of the fans in that kind of condition.

bears171 said...

I would have to disagree with you and that it is a good thing that the game was played. Sure it was low scoring and not much to get excited about on offense, but there was lots of excitement. I found it exciting when a punt plugged in the ground and when kick barley got off the ground. There was no disadvantage to either team, because both had to play under the same conditions. We have to remember this is football, and if we let rain and mud stop the game it would go against everything the league stands for.