Friday, November 30, 2007

College Tests are Insane!

I understand that this is college and the amount of work is going to be increased and studying needs to be taken seriously, but I feel like no matter how much I study for certain tests, I just can not do well. For instance, I recently took a philosophy test. I go to every lecture and do well on the assignments and quizzes. The first exam I took I received a seventy two percent. If it was not for a fifteen point curve, then I would have failed the test.

For my second exam, I studied with a friend one evening, and another afternoon before the test. I thought I knew the concepts fairly well to where I could get about a B on the test. While I was taking the test I felt like I did not learn anything that was on the exam. I tried to complete the test as best as I could. I got my test back with a sixty three percent written at the top. I was immediately discouraged because all of the time I put into studying was a waste of time. This test was curved about 4 points, which did not help much. I was figuring on getting an A in that course, but because of this low test score I am at a high B. If I stay at the B I will have to take the final, which in my eyes, is not going to be any better than the test I just got back. So what am I suppose to do now?

Coms is another class that I can not do well on the tests. I went to a three hour review session before the first test and only got a C. The next test came around and I studied the material that he posted on Blackboard and got a C again. My overall grade is at a high B, with the possibility to get an A. There is a one hundred fifty point final, and if I can get a high score on that then I can get an A in the class. Looking at my previous grades after studying, it does not look too likely that it will happen.

These are two courses that I am just a couple points away from getting an A, but because of complicated exams, I am not going to be able to do well. Hopefully these courses will have a small curve so I can reach those A's that I have been trying hard to get.


Anonymous said...

I hear you. The COMS tests that we take are pretty ridiculous, you wouldn't think that the material for a speech class would be that difficult and I don't going into the test, then I get the Test back and I don't do as good as I had thought. Same thing with my Biology class. I go to every lecture and take notes and study for every exam and still do sub-par. It is extremely frustrating.

miami5045 said...

This always happens to me! I always am even afraid to log onto blackboard because I am afraid i might have missed an assignment or even to look at a test grade because they are always not what I expect. Every lecture as mentioned by apsorts89 I take all the notes and listen carefully and I still do less than expected. I am severely angry with my GPA this semester but I have taken classes that I knew I could not do well in but they were required.

purple_butterfly said...
