Friday, November 30, 2007

Keep Thy Religion To Thyself

It really bugs me when religious people try to convert me over to their ideas. I’ve gotten in too many arguments with religious folk to count. I understand that most of them are just trying to be nice and save my soul from a fiery eternity in hell, but enough is enough. I’ve discussed the concepts of religion with: Priests, Ministers, Pastors, Rabbis, and mocks; so far there are just too many inconsistencies for me to get behind them. Religion is pull of backward teachings and ambiguous fairy tales; the funny thing that I’ve ever seen is a Pro-War, Pro-death penalty Christian. I was under the impression that the Commandment “Thow shalt not kill” was pretty clear. But what scares me more than the teachings of religion, are the followers of the religion. Those people that when I ask "why are you that certain denomination", and they respond “because my parents are.” That bothers me to no end, especially when they are old enough to where they should be thinking for themselves and not simply acting like cattle and just moving with the crowd. I say "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" to them. So please don’t try to convert me anymore, I’m willing to discuss matters of religion but get over the fact that I probably won’t agree with you. You know, Sadists do have one thing going for them that I agree with and follow. It’s their eleventh satanic rule of the earth; “When walking in open territory, bother no one. If someone bothers you, ask him to stop. If he does not stop, destroy him.” Have a nice day.

1 comment:

monsoon said...

thei eiti eir ie iej eijr is jeirj ewijr eijr usnie fiajfiao fiaij f