Sunday, November 25, 2007


Christmas is only 29 days away and I am super excited!!! This time of year is my favorite, I get so pumped up! When I woke up after Thanksgiving, the first thing I did was sit down in my basement, lite a fire, and watched my favorite Christmas movie, Polar Express! I just love how you can be all cold and cuddle up in the blankets with a nice fire going!

Another fun thing about Christmas is snow! I love the snow and I cannot wait for a ton of snow to be on the ground! I love to go sledding and snowboarding! We have a church with a big hill by my house that we like to call "Church Hill." Every time it snows, thats where everyone in the neighborhood goes! All ages from babies to older grown-ups are there making ramps or sledding. After being out in the cold all night long, my friends and I come back, change out of our wet and cold clothes and make hot chocolate!

After Thanksgiving our whole family helped out and put up our Christmas tree! I get so excited when we decorate for Christmas. I love decorating up the tree with lights and ornaments! We also put up the majority of our outside Christmas lights!

I enjoy this time of year so much! I do love summer, but winter is just the best!


Rutherford said...

Christmas is the best holiday by far! i really hate winter but Christmas makes it bearable. I love driving down streets to see who has the best Christmas decorations! In Platteville, Wisconsin, there is an enormous house that goes all out. I am surprised that they haven't blown a fuse! My grandparents live in Platteville and we drive past the Christmas house every year to see what new decorations they have put up. At my house, we never decorate the outside of our house. We always have a tree and lights inside, but never out. It is kinda depressing now that I think about it. I'm glad you have your lights up though. I do the same exact thing with my friends with the whole sledding/ hot coco thing! haha Christmas and snow make winter better!

Anonymous said...

Christmas is a great time of year. While it can be unbearably cold, it makes being inside by a fire that much more enjoyable. There is also a house in Batavia, IL, my hometown, that goes all out with Christmas decorations just as the previous comment said. They have lights on everything and different things on the roof that light up, it's really amazing. Just keep counting down, only three more weeks until break! I can't wait!

student55 said...

I can't wait for Christmas either! I finally get to go to Wisconsin for Christmas, and I can celebrate the holidays with my grandparents and cousins, something I have not done in a very long time. I hate the cold, but I love December so I'm looking forward to it. My birthday is also in December, so it is my favorite month by far, except for the cold. We put up our Christmas tree after Thanksgiving while listening to Christmas music, and I felt like I had just put up a tree because the year is going by so fast. I'm excited to use my month off for watching Christmas movies, buying presents for friends and family, and then celebrating New Years. I can't wait to get bundled up and have a snowball fight!