Monday, November 26, 2007


I could not tell all of the people that think it is cold out right now that it is not really that cold out. We all could be in Minnesota where at this time of the year they are getting ready to make outdoor ice at parks for people to skate on. One thing that you do have a right to complain about is the wind. It always seems to be blowing and fast to no let up. Have you realized that the wind stops at night. I think that it should bow at night in stead of during the day. I think that the state of Illinois should invest in some trees to plant around the campus so that we have something that is able to block the wind some times or at least slow it down so it doesn't almost blow people over. One more thing the wind is coming from the north it means cold weather, if it comes from the south it means warm weather, if its from the west it usually means rain or precipitation and if its from the east it means a nice day. Think about that.

1 comment:

lazarus8964 said...

I agree, I personally don’t think that it’s all that cold right now. The wind isn’t good, but I haven’t pulled out my big winter coat get, so I think we’ll survive. When I was driving through North and South Dakota last month, I slept in my car and that was cold. I’m building up a resistance to the cold right now. I have to because when I’m out of college, I’m leaving the United States and I’m planning on moving to Norway (where it is unbelievably cold). It’s going to get colder, more people are going to complain, and the busses aren’t going to carry everybody. I say get some gloves and some ski shoes and “Welcome to Illinois”.