Friday, November 16, 2007

Friendly Roommates

When I first came here, I thought that my roommate and I would never get along as friends. From the first impression she was a reserved, tomboy who didn't talk much at all. I couldn't tell if it was because she was shy or if she didn't like me. I quickly found out that her best friend was not only going to NIU, but she was living on the floor above us. So this left little time for us to spend getting to know each other. At the beginning, my roommate was always with her best friend. She was hardly in the room and if she was, her friend was with her. When we were in the room alone, there were many times of awkward silence. That is one of the things I hate most, awkward silences. We didn't seem to have much in common or much to talk about, so we just didn't talk. Now that it is getting later in the year, we are spending more and more time together. We have discovered that we have a lot in common, we have many of the same interests and share the same opinions on issues. We have actual conversations now, and there are hardly and awkward silences. One of the things that has really helped is having mutual friends from our floor. This way we can all hang out, usually in our room, and this helps us feel more comfortable and talk more. By no means are we "best friends", but we are definitely becoming friends. In fact, just last week, she asked me what my plans were for where I was going to be living next year. She hinted toward the fact that she wanted to live with me again next year. I was actually pretty shocked by this. I know that we get along and we haven't had any real fights or roommate problems yet, but I was still surprised that she is already considering us living together again next year. I guess I really can't complain. I keep hearing the horror stories about roommates and the problems that many people have. When roommate issues get brougt up, my roommate and I just laugh and say "Well we haven't fought....yet."

1 comment:

miami5045 said...

My roommate is not friendly. He has no personality. He never leaves the room. He is the definition of BO- body odor and I have no idea how I am putting up with him still. He sits on his computer all day on WARCRAFT and musks up my room. I walk in everyday about ready to faint from the stench. People on my floor always ask me when they walk by the room why it smells so much and I just point silently at my roommate. I want a friendly roommate, I bet it is nice.