Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Who Really Matters..

“There comes a point in your life when you realize who matters, who never did, and who always will, and in the end you learn who is fake, who is true, and who would risk it all for you.” (unknown).

I came across this quote on the internet and thought it was so true. I feel like in the past nineteen years of my life I have had many acquaintances with many different people. Some of them who I talked to for a few years and lost touch, others I tried so hard to be friends with so I could be “cool”, and best friends I still have to this day by my side. I have learned that it is not the quantity of friends you make; it is the quality of your friendships.

Back in the past, I tried so hard to fit in and hang out with the “popular” crowd. Looking back at that, I have learned that those friendships were not real, they would not be there for me when I needed them, they were just fake. These friendships were not true and the people today don’t matter to me anymore.

Since first grade, I have had the same close group of friends. Still to this day, even though we are at different places in life, we all still look out for each other and help each other every step of the way. When I am down, I know I can count on them to be there for me. Being apart from each other this year really tested how far our friendships were going to go. Surprisingly, we have all grown a lot closer. I know my good, close friends are going to be there for me forever, and I will risk it all for each of them.

Going through college, many of us will experience the same thing. We will all meet a ton of new people, but in the end, only a few will be there for you. If you would like to find more quotes, simply visit http://www.whudat.com/gumbo/pages/gumbo_605.html


Beckster said...

Wow, I could not agree more. Like you, I've had aquaintances and lost them along the way. It does not feel too good when that happens because you had fun with them for the time being. I define a true friend as someone who can see you at your worst and still accept you. So far, I have five amazing friends I would never want to lose. If that's all I end up with in the end, I would be completely satisfied.

303993 said...

I can deffinately relate to your blog. I remember when I was a freshman ans sophomore in high school. I got ready everyday for classes as if I needed to impress everyone. It was not until my junior year where I realised what you have said in your blog. As from your friends from first grade, I have a couple of those my self. One who I am taking this class with right now. Those who mean something will always be there for you.