Friday, November 16, 2007

Limited Admissions Programs

I do not see the point in limited admissions programs. I understand that sometimes there aren’t enough teachers to go around, but why cant schools hire more professors and create more classes? Pretty much everything now-a-days are limited admissions programs. The only exceptions I can think of are general majors such as Math or English. Why is that fair? I think that the more specialized or specific a major, the more opportunity a student should have to get into the program.

And then there are Academic Advisors. Sometimes they seem more useless then helpful. One of two things can happen. They either tell you not to bother, effectively dashing your self-esteem and making you feel like you can’t do anything, or they give you false hope. They tell you as long as you work hard and do well, you’ll have no problem getting into the program. That is such a lie. You can still work hard, get good grades and not get in. That’s because the program is so limited, that you pretty much need a 4.0 to know for sure. Does anyone else feel like their killing themselves for nothing?

I’m a Nursing student, and I’ve never felt more stressed and frustrated in my life. What especially confuses me is that, if there is such a demand for Nurses, how come the program is so impossible to get into? There should be thousands of opportunities to learn if it’s so needed, instead of students fighting for the chance to be taught. If someone is willing to learn, especially something as complicated and important as medical related fields, then that person should be able to.

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