Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Westboro Baptist Church: Hate Group of America

In Topeka, Kansas lies the Westboro Baptist Church. This church is not one’s every Sunday church service, but is actually one of the top hate groups in America. The Westboro Baptist Church is an organization that expresses hate towards gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual and many ethnicity groups. This organization thinks that many of America’s tragedies, including 911, Virginia Tech shootings, and hurricane Katrina was a result of god shunning us Americans for accepting all groups equally.

Followers of the church do not only protest gay pride events; they go as far as showing up at military funerals and tragic events picketing. They carry out daily picketing, holding signs that say things such as, “It's too late to pray for America. It's a sin to pray for America” or “The Lord God Almighty killed [the people who died on 9/11], looked at them in the face, laughed and mocked at each one of them as he cast each one of them into hell.”

Personally, I had no idea about this group until I started to watch the news. These people are absolutely crazy! I can not even imagine anyone being so cruel towards America. We have our soldiers fighting over seas and this group just disrespecting their deaths! If you would like to go more in depth about the Westboro Baptist Church and what else they do, visit www.godhatesamerica.com.

1 comment:

unforgivable said...

This is a subject that I have felt very strongly about since I heard about them a few years back. i have showed many of my friends the videos on them and have even watched a hour BBC documentary about the group. They are absolutely insane. The preacher of the church has lost his mind and his daughter, who helps run the group, has been brainwashed her whole life. It is so sickening that they try to brainwash young kids and use constant reinforcement to get them to really believe the church's teachings. I have a brother who has done two tours in Iraq for the Army and I couldn't not imagine this extemist group showing up at his funeral to picket. Thank God for groups like the Freedom Riders who go to the funerals to keep the groups out of site. I still think that some sort of national restraining order needs to be put on these people to keep them from going to the funerals. I also think the media needs to stop covering them so they can not get the attention they want.