Friday, November 16, 2007

Time to go back to work!

It's hard to believe winter break is basically here, and the time to go back to work is getting closer and closer. Although many people choose to work while they are in school, I have not and I'm surprised that I'm looking forward to going back to work full time over winter break. Like most college students, I can't wait to have money again. Hopefully I'll be getting a raise when I return to work so that I can make as much money as possible working full time. I really like my job because it is only open during the week, so I don't ever have to work on the weekends, and it's really easy. I do not think I could ever work retail like a lot of college students. I would be very frustrated starting out only at minimum wage, and having to deal with annoying customers. I also could never work at a restaurant, even though making tips as a waitress is a great way to make a lot of money. There are a lot of jobs that my friends have that I would never have patience for. I think I got pretty lucky with my job, and maybe that's why I am so excited to go back.

These websites discuss jobs for college students, job tips, internships, and more.

1 comment:

cubsfan4life15 said...

Yes, relaxation and money. What could be better? I also chose not to work during the school year as I wanted to focus on my schoolwork and get the hang of how everything works in the college world. I also still have my job from last year, and I worked there over Thanksgiving. I still haven’t got paid yet because it goes off of commission, but it will be coming this weekend and I can’t wait for it. Also, coming back next semester with money to spend also excites me because now I know approximately how much money I have to save to last me the whole semester. Only a few more days and then it’s back to me becoming BALLIN’.