Friday, November 16, 2007

Steel Saucer Sleds

Winter is right around the corner, which means that sledding will soon become a part of my life once again. Last season was rough; I broke two or three plastic saucers and popped two tubes due to the sharp ice on the hill. It was apparent that I needed to step up my sledding gear, instead of relying on the comfort of a tube and the speed and accuracy of a plastic saucer. I called the local sporting good stores to see if they had steel saucers in stock. Each store replied with, “we don’t carry those anymore; we are not that hard core I guess.” I could not believe my ears. Taking the back trails for sledding was a passion of mine, but the plastic saucers could not take my gnarly, off the wall, unorthodox sledding style. I began to search on and; to my surprise I found a brand new red steel saucer twenty-six inches in diameter weighing 7 pounds, clearly built for speed, accuracy and durability. Comfort is not a huge issue to me, I have snow-pants and can always install some kind of cushion myself. My search was over. If you too enjoy taking the back trails while sledding, using a steel saucer may make it more enjoyable for you. Here is a link to the website where the steel saucer is available.

1 comment:

Beckster said...

Sledding is so much fun! I do not do it that often, but when I do it is pretty much an all day affair. The idea of a steel saucer reminds me of National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation when they souped up the garbage can lid, I believe it was. Or maybe it was just a steel saucer. My friends and I have to find somewhere that is not so crowded when we go sledding because then it is just not that much fun.