Thursday, November 15, 2007

Bowling: A Part of my Past That Shaped my Future

Bowling has been a big part of my life since I was a young girl. I participated in leagues and tournaments until I reached high school. I tryed out for my high school team, and made varsity as a freshman. That year my team had done the best of its career, and kept improving from year to year. Individually I was becoming an asset to the team.

By my senior year, I was one of the strongest members on my team. The Daily Herald posted an article about me in their paper which stated that I was going to be a big help to the team that year. You can check out some pictures that were placed in the paper. High school bowling was not only one of the greatest times of my life, it was something that shaped me into who I am today.

Through my four years on the team I learned:

  • Leadership skills
  • How to work with a group
  • Sportsmanship
  • Time management
  • How to stay dedicated

All of these qualities have shaped me into an all around better person. This sport has taught me work hard for what I want, and that if I put my mind to something, I will be rewarded with success. I can see these qualities rubbing off in other areas of my life; for instance, in my school work. There have been a number of times where I have been motivated to studying for tests, and I have received many good grades. Motivation starts with a passion, and that passion for me is bowling.

1 comment:

BigJ said...

I love going bowling but usually with my friends and not part of a league. Being in a league has always sounded fun to me and a few of my friends, but by the time we thought of doing it, I left for college. My consistency has never been that great; I will score in the mid hundreds usually, but I will have really bad games quite often as well. It is cool that you have taken the game seriously and used it to become who you are today. Everyone has their own thing that helps to create and maintain the person they are; for you that is bowling!